
Wednesday, July 31, 2019

My First Helicopter Ride

As I stood gazing at the monstrous contraption, I shivered as though ice had replaced my spine. The cold air that blew into my face engulfed my entire body. The multiple layers of clothing could not protect me against the swish of frosty air. The walkway leading up to the helipad was newly paved; I could still feel the soles of my shoes sink into the cement just a little as I walked up the path. It’s ironic how my heart did the exact same thing. It now felt like it was forcibly pressing against my lungs as I struggled to breathe; asphyxiated by terror. Weeds, dandelions and wild flowers were being blown helplessly about by the gargantuan blades. I knew how they felt. I was a small 7 year-old and this helicopter made me feel like a bug on a windscreen, hanging on for dear life. My mother must have been squeezing my hand too hard because I yanked it away from her as the pain finally registered in my central nervous system; I looked down at my hand just in time to see the blood rush back down my veins. Red roses grew wildly in thick batches by the entrance to the show grounds; the place where I was going to have one of the most memorable experiences of my life. The moonlight cast a ghoulish glow on the surrounding landscape, and the screeching of nearby cars pulling away to the highway made me realize how alone our family was; after all, we were the last people to go in the helicopter that day. The big metal structure shone a bright white under the moonlight, and the splotches of rusted metal hinted at the machines maturity, which wasn’t comforting at all. The spinning of the blades was deafening as we hurried towards the little â€Å"hobbit† door to enter the craft. The first thing I felt when I was hauled up into the craft was the constriction of my pupils, and then my eyelids wired shut. It was very bright in there. As soon as I regained visibility, I looked around and saw all these lights that were sourced by many buttons, switches and levers. The dashboard smelt of black coffee and cigarettes, and the floor of the helicopter was littered with cigarette-buds. I turned my head to look at my mother. I could see that somebody had made an attempt to scrub out a vomit stain on her seat. The earthy colours were at sharp contrast with the charcoal seats, and a thin layer of bleach had been used to try and remove it; like a criminal trying to remove blood splatter at a crime scene. Was it an omen, perhaps? My mother reached over and tightened my seatbelt, uncomfortably tight. However, with the sounds from the pilot’s radio headset combined with the humming and buzzing of all the small machines in the chopper, I was too frightened to care about the seat belt. All that was going through my mind was how my life was now in the hands of rows upon rows of illuminated buttons and do-hickeys. It was probably two minutes after buckling up that the craft began its slow ascent into the cold and seemingly insidious night. I could feel all my organs getting pulled down by gravity. In that moment, I became completely oblivious to the sound of the rotation of the massive blades above me, and only heard the ‘’lob-dup’’ of my heart. The light had been so bright as to temporarily blind me. The warmth of my mother’s reassuring smile contrasted the coldness of the night outside. As I peered through the window, I could see my father and little brother about to board the second helicopter. Their clothing was fighting violently against their bodies as the wind from the rotors blew over their heads. Slowly they started for the craft, with their mouths covered, as if walking into a big sandstorm. I could see them take very short, reluctant steps towards the door of their helicopter; as though they were trying to delay the jaw-dropping experience that was to follow. We started rising and rising until I caught a glimpse of the starry cosmos, and at that very moment, I was lost in my very first helicopter ride.

The Effects of Power and Fear on a Government

The Effects of Power and Fear on a Government Fear is one of the few emotions everybody feels at some point in their lives. From their environment to the leaders that were in charge there were many things for the boys to be fearful of. Lord of the Flies, by William Gilding is about a group of boys stranded on an Island during World War II. They have to deal with power struggles and situations they would have never thought of. In Lord of the Flies, the destructive power struggle between the primary characters mirrors the power struggle betweenHitler and the Jews during World War II, and the current dictator Basher al- Sad and his citizens in Syria. Lord of the Flies represents a political allegory because some of the characters represent an abstract idea of government. Many people who have great leadership attributes but have a hard time with their appearance struggle, † Piggy is Ralph advisor, someone who is unable to rule because of his own social and physical shortcomingsâ₠¬  (Winnfield). Nowadays appearance has become a huge part of the society at hand. Appearance helps a society decide what it wants to be like as well as ho to follow.Struggling with appearance Is not the only Issue, It Is also struggling with standing up for yourself. Which In the book It Is shown that Piggy struggles with this. † â€Å"Then went on piggy, that boy- I forgot â€Å"your talking too much† said Jack Merrier. â€Å"Shut up, Fatty. † Laughter arose and Piggy was silent† (Gilding 21). In a society there are many people just like Piggy. There are so many great leadership characteristics in people. The problem is if that Pearson can not stand up for themselves or any of their beliefs none of the great characteristics matter.This shows owe Lord of the Flies represents a political allegory because It shows how some of the characters Like Piggy represent an abstract Idea of government In the book. In addition to the characters representing governmen t they also act similarly to past and current political figures in the world. Most people at some point In time have a chance at power, if they choose to take it they will most likely lose It eventually as well â€Å"Even Jacks power Is Illusory or at least temporary, vanishing the moment an adult authority arrives on the island† (Olsen). In this it is seen that the power Jack had elates to many figures in the world.The power Jack had though is instantly taken away when someone else with higher authority arrives. This happens all the time in the real world as well. In the book it adds on to the same situation even more so † Whoso boss here asked the officer? I am said Ralph loudly. A little boy with the pair of spectacles started forward then changed his mind and stood still† (Gilding 148). It is clearly shown that Jack loses the power he had quite quickly. This has happened to those in the real world, who thought they would never be run out of rower, such as Doll Hitler.As seen the characters in Lord of the Flies act similarly to past and current political figures in our world. In Lord of the Flies there is a very similar situation when Jack is put in control of the island and the rest of the boys, Just like when Doll Hitler was put in charge of Germany and it's people. At some point in everybody's lives they will most likely want to be in charge of something or be a leader of some sort, † Seen in this light, Hitler thought the only way to prevent Germany from losing again was to eliminate the impure groups from society.He also knew the only way he could accomplish this is if he rose to power† (â€Å"Doll† 1). In Lord of the Flies Jack thinks a lot like Hitler. When most people hear the name â€Å"Hitler† the first thing that comes to most minds is a dictator in Germany who killed Jews. This is true, but the reason behind that was Just because he wanted power. Hitless strong desire for power is a lot like Jacks. Th ey both Just wanted to rule something which in their case it was people. Arrogance is a big reason for people wanting power † I ought to be chief said Jack with simple arrogance, because IM chapter chorister and head boy.I can also sing C Sharp said lace (Gilding 228). Jack obviously thought he was better than everybody else and was very arrogant. It was one thing that some of the boys didn't like about him. Hitler was the same way, he normally thought no one was better than him and if he did he got rid of them quite quickly. Arrogance only got Jack and Hitler so far. Clearly shown the similar situation of Jack and Hitler being put in control shows the similarities of their leadership. Doll Hitler was a dictator during World War II, the character Jack acts much likeHitler in the book by emphasizing the strong desire of power and intolerance towards others. In life some people think the only way to fix certain problems is to completely get rid of them â€Å"Hitler implemented government policies based on anti-Semitism and racism. These policies became more severe over time and led to the extermination of the Jews, racial minorities and other groups† (â€Å"Doll†l). In Lord of the Flies it is seen that Jack does this quite often. He doesn't really give any thought to what he is doing unless he really wants it done.For instance when Jack took Piggy as a really different errors and not in a good way. Eventually Jack got his way and Piggy died. Hitler does this with the Jews. He wanted the people who he thought were perfect and those people were not the Jews. So because he thought the Jews were the problem he started to kill them off. In the book we not only see Jack treating Apply harshly but he also treats some of the other boys the same way â€Å"I'm chief yelled Jack. Viciously, with full intention, he hurled his spear at Ralph. The point tore the skin and flesh over that Jack is willing to hurt people in order to get what he wants.This is such a moment where Jack showed the power he thought he had to the boys. It also gave the boys a reason to fear him. Jack was using this fear to control the boys much like Hitler. Fear can cause people to do unbelievable things including follow and listen to unwise rulers or leaders. This adds to the desperate wanting of power and intolerance towards others. Another Situation very similar to the one the boys are put into due to Jack is more current, the power struggle between Basher al-Sad and the harsh way he treats his citizens in Syria.Most dictators are harsh, cruel and will try and do anything to keep heir place secure muff need to show that you are strong, that you are a leader. You need to crush in the first moment any signs of opposition, resentment, or independence. As well as causing the people to fear you said Sad† (â€Å"Basher† 2). Basher al-Sad uses the harsh way he treats his citizens to produce fear so that no one will overtake his place as being leader in Syria. In the book when some of the boys start to show opposition Jack did exactly what Sad mentioned, he crushed it the moment it started.Which caused fear amongst the boys. Dictators find terrible hinges to do for no reason but to cause fear amongst their people † † Hess going to beat Wilfred! † â€Å"What for? â€Å"said Ralph but Robert shook his head doubtfully. â€Å"l don know he never said why' The chief was sitting in the cave, naked to the waist, his face blocked out in white and red. The newly beaten and untied Wilfred was sniffing noisily in the background† (Gilding 160). In this it is clear that Jack Just beat Wilfred because he had been angry. This act caused fear amongst the group of boys. The fear caused kept the boys loyal to their chief.Jack would have had no way to control al the boys if he never used fear. This doesn't mean its right by any means. Basher al-Sad and Jack both use fear in a harsh way to control their people and ideas o f government. Basher al-Sad current dictator in Syria is very similar to the character Jack in Lord of the Flies such as some of their motives. In Syria there are many rules â€Å"Freedom of speech was only marginally restored but for the most part Sad kept it the same† (â€Å"Basher† 2). In Lord of the Flies Jack and Basher kind of relate to each other because the both did not allow freedom.The fact that Basher and Jack wouldn't allow freedom of speech was most likely because they wanted to prevent any uproars or anything that could harm their spot in leadership. † â€Å"Then went on piggy, that boy- I forgot -† â€Å"your talking too much† said Jack Merrier. â€Å"Shut up, Fatty. † Laughter arose and Piggy was silent† (Gilding 21). Here we not only see Jack being cruel towards Piggy but we also see him limiting Piggy speech. This action is harsh and even though Piggy had freedom of speech it was almost as if Jack stole that from him. Most likely Piggy is not the only person Jack treated like that.This is how we can see some f Basher al-Sad and Jacks motives line up. In Lord of the Flies we see that fear plays a enormous role in the book. It plays off between the see between Jack and Ralph. Fear is a strong emotion and can cause many situations. We see this not only in the book Lord of the Flies but also in our everyday lives and other political power struggles in our World. Such as the fight for power in World War II with Doll Hitler and the Jews. It is even seen currently in Syria with Basher al- Sad and his citizens. Jack, Hitler, and Sad all have one main thing in common they all ruled with fear.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Conserve and Preserve Essay

With today’s growing population, resource consumption is becoming a huge concern. It is important that humans realize what is best for both our present and future generation, and what is best for our planet. We must preserve certain areas from being destroyed to keep their natural beauty. We should also conserve resources, so they can continue to flourish, but also so we can continue to live our lives without depleting these resources. Every individual unit of the environment works together to maintain a balance that supports the cycle of life. Humans must co-exist in a positive way with these units. We should live in a way that does not exploit any part of nature. We should not only respect and sustain the environment for our own benefit and for future generations, but also because nature itself is good on its own. When looking at preservation and conservation, there is not one that is better the other. Like many other rules and sets of standards, there are exceptions. Preservation is the action of protecting a certain thing or area completely. Conservation is a form of preservation, where we can use a particular resource or portion of land, in this case, but it is used sparingly and sustainably. There are certain situations where preserving something is beneficial. Then there are other situations where conserving something would be better for a larger number of living things. It would be ideal to say that we should strive to preserve nature in all scenarios but that is not a practical approach because there are certain needs that we as human beings have to fulfill that we can only get from nature. Certain medicines that keep people alive can be found in nature. If for instance a plant has the ability to save someone’s life, then it would be acceptable to cut that plant down to help heal the patient. There are some exceptions to this of course. It would be wrong to cut down the plant if it was unable to be replaced. The plant should be plentiful and able to thrive as a species before we use it to help our own species. For the most part, humans are put on a higher scale than some other species. This is not to say that we should disregard those species or over-use them, but if it came down to a life or death situation for a person, using the plant would be ethical. There are other scenarios in which preservation would be a better approach. An example of this is mountaintop removal. It does not seem ethical to be destroying such a beautiful object that forms naturally just so that we can have access to coal seams. The coal extracted from the mountain is only beneficial for a certain amount of time but the negative consequences from the whole process will be felt a lot longer (Copeland). Even though the mountain itself since it is not a living, breathing organism, it is important to respect the natural beauty of the mountain. The animals and plants that may reside on the mountain are also affected by this, and that should be taken into consideration. Another example of a time when it is best to preserve is in the case of an endangered organism. Say for instance that a certain tree is being cut down at an alarming rate to make paper. The tree will cease to exist if we continue at the rate that we are going. Then we should stop all chopping down of that particular tree. We should preserve it and allow it to continue to live, not just so that in the future we still have that tree around to produce more paper, but because it is a living thing that has value on its own. Our population is growing, and we have to figure out the best way to use our resources. Garrett Hardin also recognizes this as a problem in his essay â€Å"Lifeboat Ethics†, but takes the stance that if we help the poor people; we are hurting them in the long run. He believes that the biggest factor for overpopulation is the fact that poor countries multiply and increase their population at a much faster rate than countries that are predominately rich. Because of this, the problems associated with too many people in one area will continue to grow larger. This is because rich countries have the resources to support their people more so than the poorer countries that cannot even begin to help their people (Hardin). Getting food is a major concern of many people who think that overpopulation is becoming a problem. Hardin also recognizes this as a problem, but takes the stance that if we help the poor people; we are hurting them in the long run. Conservation becomes important when taking the population into consideration. Overpopulation will have a large impact on the environment because there will obviously be more of a need for basic elements such as water, food, and shelter. With more people demanding food, more livestock will need to be bred; more fruits and vegetables will need to be grown. With more people demanding shelter, more land will need to be plowed in order to build houses. With more people on the earth demanding water, more freshwater sources will be dried up. Not only are the necessities factored into the problem but with more people, all the luxuries and small things will add up also. There will be a higher demand of medicines, paper, and other goods that we can get from nature. The increase of human life will create a huge blow for the environment. It is important that we prevent our world from becoming a commons open to everyone, where people use their resources foolishly and greedily. Since people are part of the whole equation that makes up the environment, we should care and respect others. However, in feeding the poor, they do not realize their problems and continue to reproduce, thus putting them and the country in a deeper hole. This too has an effect on the environment because in the search for food, people do things that do not support a sustainable cycle. An example of this is the fact that since there are more people and getting meat to them is a long process, factory farms have taken the place of actual farms. Animals are now bred to grow faster and jacked up with hormones in an attempt to get them to the slaughterhouse faster so that the demands of consumers can be met. Also in order to keep up with more people, that means that there must be more animals to begin with. Livestock are crowded into small cages where they are unable to turn around, they are not able to live with their young, they pick up diseases and many other problems arise from this. This affects the life of the livestock obviously, but also affects the life of the consumer who then eats the meat. It is understandable that individuals want to eat meat because they say it tastes good, it is high in protein, and it’s convenient as well. However, the way that humans do it is immoral and wrong. We do not give the animals any chance of survival or even a chance at life to begin with. It would be more justifiable for people to go out and hunt their meat like people used to do. Then the animals would be able to live a normal life up until they were killed. This would also cut down on the air pollution that comes from factory farms, reduce the amount of water that is needed to produce meat, reduce the amount of crop space that is needed to feed the livestock, and reduce the amount of drugs that the consumer also eats after the animals are fed them. This brings the argument back around to the fact that the population is growing and that there are starving people all around the world. If reduced their consumption meat, then there would not be as big of a need for livestock. Thus the crops that are grown to feed the cows could be fed to the people who need it. We could also stop cutting down trees and destroying forests that is normally needed in order to make room for all that food that needs to be produced. Around the world 756 million tons of grain is fed to livestock and almost half of the 225 million tons of soy that is produced yearly also goes to feed the animals that we eat (USDA). These crops could be used to feed people in starving countries. It could affect the lives of people right here in America. Our population is growing very quickly and resources are becoming scarcer every day. We should want to preserve and conserve the natural world around us. Whether a person believes that another living thing has rights or not, they should still treat it with respect and care. One person or a small group of people should not make the ultimate decisions on what is considered worthy of life or unworthy. If people took the time to consider the feelings and consideration of the living things in nature, the world would be a better place not just for us now, but for future generations.

Monday, July 29, 2019

Inner-City English Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Inner-City English - Essay Example According to William Labov, the â€Å"English† being spoken in American inner cities is â€Å"not simply slang but a well-formed set of rules of pronunciation and grammar† that is capable of conveying complicated logic and rationalization – that is with sense and thoughtful meaning – and thus is not really rooted from or based on Standard American English but is a Black vernacular English (Labov 15). As aforementioned, the argument that Inner-City English lacks form and is therefore â€Å"sloppy† is merely an implication of a longstanding political issue. Blacks have always been the subject of discrimination and subordination for so many years. The Black Americans have been placed under a framework of pervasive and extreme violence, which carried on until today, and which has extended to the determination of the standards of American English. In the recent years, attention has been bent on the sociolinguistic aspect of the Inner-City English. Much c oncentration has been poured into the patterns of speech that is common among Black Americans in inner cities. As a matter of fact, in 1997, Labov testified before the Senate that most Black Americans in the inner employs an unusual pairing of spelling and sound or pronunciation – and this has become more difficult for speakers of other dialects (Labov 245). And this must have been the basis of the criticism that Inner City English lacks form and is sloppy. First of all, there is no general consensus as to how English should be pronounced or even as to the form or pattern of the English language and how to properly use it. Inner City English cropped up as a result of the cultural practices of the Blacks in the inner city, which are ritualistic in nature. The idea that Standard American English is much more systematic as compared to the Inner City English is misleading – the pattern and form of the Inner City English may be a tacit among the members of the Black communi ty, especially in the inner cities. But because

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Electronic Surveillance of Employees Research Paper

Electronic Surveillance of Employees - Research Paper Example This research will begin with the statement that to keep personal confidential information of a person intact and should not be disclosed to any other irrelevant person shall come under the purview of Privacy. The disclosure of such information may cause emotional distress to a person whose information is kept in confidence. In order to monitor the activities of a person or place to detect discreet activities through electronic devices like cameras, video cameras, tape recorders, microphones, and wiretaps come under the category of surveillance through electronic means. The identified instruments can be utilized in a competent court of law as evidence against violators. Multinational Corporations and corporations of repute use electronic surveillance system to ensure foolproof security and safety within their administrative jurisdiction. An employee can expect privacy at least in those places where hidden cameras or microphones are not fitted such as kitchen, dining room, washroom, s moking corner or petty stationary stores. Employees should know what is permissible and what is not permissible for them in accordance with employer’s privacy policy. Initially, the employer and the employee must have signed the document of the privacy policy to be complied in letter and spirit by the stakeholders. In fact, the employee has given the liberty or the rights to monitor his/her activities whether his/her activities are purely professional or personal. Non-compliance with privacy policy surely invites the displeasure of the management. In the United States of America, Electronic Communication Privacy Act (ECPA) 1986 has given the rights to the employers to monitor job-related conversations of its employees. By virtue of this act, employers enjoy complete freedom to listen incoming and outgoing calls. It hardly takes a minute or two to decide whether the calls so received or dispatched are personal or job related. With this freedom employer can measure the employee ’s sincerity and integrity with the company besides his/her professional competence. The prerogative to differentiate the incoming and outgoing calls of employees still lies with the employer and not with the employee (Lyon, 1994). 2- In this modern age and time, one cannot deny the benefits of technological advancement to prevent any unpleasant situation. By dint of computer technology, it is easy to monitor the activities of any employee by the employer at his/her workplace even at a remote location. Many of the employers allow their employees to have an access on the social sites of Internet. To keep the company environment friendly, the employer should provide space at work place for a chat where one can not disturb him or their conversation may not come out of the space to invite others attention (Mishra & Crampton, 1998). This will definitely improve the performance of a company since unnecessary strictness on the employees may have an adverse impact on their job relate d activities. We cannot deny the fact that â€Å"Happy laborers work more†.  

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Working in teams Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Working in teams - Essay Example Another aspect of an effective team is that it should have plenty of discussions because it is these discussions which allow members to get to know each other better while at the same time helping the entire team to understand what is entailed in the projects that is being undertaken. As seen in the video, it is essential that decision making should be done by consensus rather than through the decision of the team leader because to do it by consensus allows for the input of all members. Moreover, it should be noted that it is through the consensus that team cohesion can be established because otherwise, it would lead to a situation where there is a lot of conflict within the team. Tuckman’s five stages of group formation can be considered to be a factor in the group seen in the video. These five stages involve formation, which defines the period when the team first meets, and reviews that challenges and opportunities available to it. The second stage of the team formation is storming where the weaknesses of all team members are tolerated and room is made to accommodate their ideas because to do otherwise might lead to failure. The third stage is norming, where the team members come to own the project in such a way that they are willing to invest their time and effort in order to make it succeed. The next step is performing, with members of the team being more knowledgeable of the task they are undertaking and this ensures that they have added motivation. The final stage is adjourning, which is the disbandment of the team after the project it is assigned is accomplished with the team members going their separate way. In the video, Joe seems to be the mo st advanced in the team, and can be considered to be in the norming stage because he is willing to invest his time in the project at hand (Managers Hot Seat, 2015). Cheng is at the storming stage, where his statement that he will

Friday, July 26, 2019

BLOG Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

BLOG - Coursework Example In the revolutionary arena of geopolitics, it is evident that inclusion of S.A in BRICS will make America feel that it has been denied what they perceive to be rightfully theirs. The economic and political acrimony between China, America and other incumbent powers such as Japan and Germany will unquestionably intensify since the surmounting of china’s economic and military strength is considered a threat to global peace and tranquility. The continued animosity between America and China, two contending superpowers, will worsen due to the inordinate influence that china is acquiring in Africa. America might stop backing African states during hard times as well as minimize its diplomacy and trade cooperation with china, a factor that will deleteriously impact on the strength of the BRICS. Moreover, America might syndicate several G-20 states and form an economic organization that will counter the prevalent and predominant effects of the BRICS in S.A and the whole of Africa. Likewise, Russia will diversify its investment to acquire new ways of powering its economic engine and gain power over America, its major rival, and possibly dominate the BRICS. The frivolous G8 and G20 might eventually collapse, due to the animosity between America and China as they both scuffle for the control of the already acquired S.A. Other BRICS members might also invite their friends into the union to counter the undue influence that China is striving to obtain. Ultimately, the BRICS might grow or collapse; only time will

Thursday, July 25, 2019

MGMT 670- STRATEGIC MANAGEMENT Article Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

MGMT 670- STRATEGIC MANAGEMENT - Article Example It is a tool with a purpose to help an organization perform at its best, so strategic planning helps an organization to focus its energy and make sure that all members are working toward the same goals, to control whether the organization is going toward its goals in as straight manner as possible and to adjust the course for changes in internal and external circumstances. Strategic planning is thus an organized action to answer fundamental questions of what an organization is, what it does, why it does it in that way, and were it intends to be in the definite future. Strategic plan development is a process of answering a set of questions in a specific order to keep it focused and productive. (Porter, Michael E. , 1980) ) The planners must first examine current experience and situation, set and test assumptions to the best of their capabilities, they must obtain and include current information about the present and envision internal and external circumstances in which the organizatio n will be working in the future. Strategic planning involves preparing the best way to respond to changes in the environment, which are not known at the time of plan preparation, realistically, taking into account company’s resources and objectives. Strategic plan is a set of decisions of what to do, how to do it, and why to do it, in order of priority, meaning that it needs to set which decisions and actions are more important than others in order to reach the goals set. Strategic planing is a continuous process while strategic plan is a snapshot taken in various future points in time. Strategic planning is a tool of managing an organization just like hammer is a tool of reshaping a piece of metal into a horseshoe. Hammer does not make a horseshoe, a blacksmith does it applying his physical and mental power to it. In the same way manager uses strategic planning to lead an organization toward its desired goals. Strategical thinking is applied to strategical planning by manage ment to make it work for better performance of the organization. Strategic thinking is geared toward specific purpose of setting and achieving goals, being at all times mindful of internal and external circumstances that influence the purpose in order to creatively develop best responses to changes in those circumstances. The question that best supports strategic thinking would probably be: â€Å"Are we doing the right thing in the right way?†. If the answer becomes negative at any measurable moment corrective actions need to be taken. â€Å"Are we doing the right thing† would translate into measurable milestones toward set goals while â€Å"are we doing it the right way† would translate in being aligned with company’s mission, vision, values and objectives. (Porter, Michael E., 1980) For example, a fictitious merchant with a convoy of cargo ships and a goal of making the most income and reasonable profit in regular voyages from port to port from Shanghai , China via Sydney, Australia, Los Angeles, USA, Amsterdam, EU, Mumbai, India, Singapore,Singapore back to Shanghai China envisions that the company would capture 10% market share in trading commodities in each port. (Vancil, R.,1976) His objective is to make the biggest regularly modernized fleet that does not harm the

Fedex Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Fedex - Essay Example FedEx has market competitors who provide similar services. These include TNT, DHL and United Parcel Services as the main competitors. However, FedEx has a substantial market share despite the stiff competitiveness. FedEx has diversified to provision of printing services, which mainly targets organizations that have bulk of work that requires to be printed. In addition, the company targets professionals and organizations in producing their documents, providing information technology services and doing any other work within the organizational mandate. One of the largest markets of FedEx is found in the supply chain. Companies and organizations that supply goods are a target market for FedEx since they constantly transport goods from one place to another, both locally and internationally. In the supply chain FedEx provides an array of services including transportation, keeping inventory of goods, and transportation management. From a broad perspective, the market for FedEx is very broad. Individuals, small businesses, professionals, large corporations, governments, and other organizations provide market for FedEx. However, the largest market is taken up by the individuals and organizations in the supply

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Carefully read the monologue from Shakespeare's history play Henry V Essay

Carefully read the monologue from Shakespeare's history play Henry V as in the excerpt provided. (Act 4, Scene 1, lines 227-28 - Essay Example Henry V’s oral skills as a leader The study of the works that Henry V carried out as well as the words that he uttered teach how vital good oratory skills are when it comes to being a good leader. In addition to the oral skills that Henry V posses we see that he posses more in terms of his leadership qualities. Some of the other positive leadership qualities that we see Henry V posses include the ability that many of the leaders do not have, which is the ability to socialize as well as identify with the common man as well as high levels of morality and the determination which as an overall combination with the determination that he posses made him one of the great leaders. The quality of the way that Henry presents his words is amazing, which can be largely attributed to the fact that he can change rhetoric styles to suit the mood that is in demand in terms of what the audience wants to hear to act in the ways that he wants. An example of the latter statement includes some of the instances whereby we see that he has to persuade his men that he is one of them and that there is a bong between him and them that can only exist between brothers. The use of the rhetoric styles that King Henry uses in times that his men are in the need to hear them most bring them to a mood as well as an atmosphere that brings them back to their sense of focus. To create a sort of bond between him and his men, w sees that Henry comes to the use of words such as ‘yours’ and ‘our’. As per the oral skills of Henry, it is evident that a lot of literature skills can be learned when studying the aspects as well as the words of great leaders such as Henry V (Sucher, 2007) Rhetoric skills of a leader As per the context of Shakespeare, we see that Henry has rhetorical skills that can be termed as excellent. Just as any leader who may be termed as great, we see that Henry v not only posses the rhetorical skills, but he also uses them in inspiring the men that ar e going to war with him before the battle. One of the things that he does before the war inspires his men to go out and fight with determination as well as passion, although they are worn out as well as weak with the odds that presented themselves being impossible in the battle of Agincourt. Despite these challenges, we see that Henry V is still able to uplift the moods as well as inspire the men, who are facing the challenges and odds with him (Loehlin, 2000). Henry V- A leader as a common man One of the things that made Henry V a great leader is the detail mentioned earlier about the ability of a chosen leader to be able to relate as well as be humble enough to listen to the common citizen as well as have respect for them. All the latter mentioned capabilities are all in the possession of Henry V and he uses them well as the text show in the period of the year 1415 before the Agincourt battle. We see that Henry V takes a disguise as an ordinary soldier as he moves about in the cam p in a quiet manner whereas giving courage to the men that were about to go to war with him. One of the things that makes Henry a great leader in contrast to many other leaders of the day then and today include the ability of being able to connect as well as exchange ideas with

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Importance Of E-learning For Education Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1

Importance Of E-learning For Education - Essay Example More specifically, I am going to focus on paragraph 2 and paragraph 3. In paragraph 2 of the outline, I briefly mentioned on the effect of the introduction of eLearning to teachers. According to a research conducted by Boston College in 2010, where they were evaluating the effect of eLearning on the teacher's mastery as well as their students, they found out that eLearning was important to the teachers since they were able to better master the content. However, due to continued use of eLearning, some were found to be highly dependent on it and did not deliver effectively. The students were also found to be able to get the proper mastery of the content taught since they could read the books, even from their phones as long as they could connect to the internet. (Laura, 20). Thus, from this information, it is very open that the use of learning does not have a negative effect on the teachers as it is usually asserted, on the contrary, it helps the teachers to effectively dispense their activities. I also focused on the regulation of learning activities by the governments in this paragraph. Basically, governments have the power to alter or influence the activities carried out in their jurisdictions. This being the case, the regulation of learning by governments in different countries is not a matter of much worry, assuming that the governments in question will act in good faith and in order to balance different activities for the good of its citizens. In paragraph three, I mentioned about the effects that the use of eLearning technologies has had on the publishing world. Though there are various thoughts and conviction, it is evident that the eLearning technology has had effects on the publishing industry. However, there is every reason to encourage the use of e-learning technology despite the danger it poses to the publishing market.

Monday, July 22, 2019

American Indians and Free

American Indians and Freedom Essay American Indians have striven for freedom ceaselessly since the colonization in 1800s. But for different American Indians, the definitions of freedom vary a lot. For the chief Seattle, the writer of AUTHENTIC TEXT OF CHIEF SEATTLE’S TREATY ORATION 1854, the freedom means the rights to live with the nature harmoniously and to keep their religion and traditions. For Carlos Montezuma, the writer of Let My People Go, the definition of freedom is very absolute and stems from political rights. His freedom means the rights of managing the stuffs of American Indians totally without the control of white man. From my point of view, the definition of freedom to American Indians is more close to its political definition because the rights of protecting the holy nature will not be given if they lose the political rights. But I argue that the real freedom does not mean the absolute free. Moreover, the chief Seattle and Carlos Montezuma differ in the issue about whether American Indians should accept the management of colonists. For the chief Seattle, he thinks him and his people can accept the management of colonists on the condition that the colonists will not destroy their holy nature. For Carlos Montezuma, he asks the colonists not to interfere the issue of American Indians because the corrupt management of the colonists. I think that American Indians can accept the management of the colonists if they can own enough political rights. The best way is to contend for a democracy system and government for American Indians rather than just asking for leaving the control of the colonists. It is obvious that the two writers own quite different understandings when they face with the same wordfreedom, as I mentioned at the beginning. The writer of AUTHENTIC TEXT OF CHIEF SEATTLE’S TREATY ORATION 1854 shows deep love to his ancestors and the things his ancestors leave for them. He uses â€Å"sacred† to describe its ancestors and â€Å"hallowed ground†, â€Å"verdant valleys†, â€Å"murmuring rivers† and so on to describe his living environment. Also, the writer thinks that their religion is â€Å"the Great Spirit† and gives them in â€Å"solemn hours of the night. † Yet, in the perspectives of these American Indians, the colonists refuse to accept and respect the holy nature and ancestors of Africa Americans. The writer writes, â€Å"Your God is not our God! Your God loves your people and hates mine! † The quote indicates that American Indians in Seattle fear deeply that the colonial rule will ruin their living environment, religion and traditions. Hence, for the writer, their freedom means the respect of their culture. Nevertheless, Carlos Montezuma, the writer of â€Å"Let My People Go†, asks for totally different freedom. He writes, â€Å"The Indian Bureau is the only obstacle that stands in the way that hinders our people’s freedom. †, â€Å"†¦when the Indians will need the most help in this world , †¦ the Indian. Bureau will cease to exist†¦Ã¢â‚¬  and â€Å"the Indian employees in the Indian Service; their personality is destroyed†¦they have nothing to say. † These quote express the strong willing of American Indians to escape from the control of White Americans because of the corruption of Indian Bureau. So, the definition of freedom to Carlos Montezuma is the rights to express their own willing and achieve more political rights. I quite agree with Carlos Montezuma because he wants to ask for more political rights. Even if the Big Chief at Washington promised that the new colonists will respect the culture of the American Indians in Seattle, he can easily renege on the promise without the political rights or the protection of the law. On the other hand, the chief Seattle and Carlos Montezuma own different attitudes towards the issue about the management of white American. Carlos Montezuma hastily wants to abolish the Indian Bureau system rather than improve the system. Carlos Montezuma writes, â€Å"The Indian Bureau system is wrong. The only way to adjust wrong is to abolish it, and the only reform is to let my people go. † The quote expresses the urgent willing of Carlos Montezuma to stop the run of the wrong system. He owns the opinion to escape the control of White Americans. However, I think that American Indians can accept the management of colonists only if the colonists launch laws to protect the American Indians and give them enough political rights. The opinion of stopping the run of the system is too arbitrary and naive. It is highly possible that a ruder way to manage the American Indians created after the abolition of the old system. Carlos Montezuma cannot accept the management of White Americans at all. But the chief Seattle’s requirements related to the acceptance of the White Americans’ management perhaps is without much consideration. The chief Seattle writes, â€Å"But should we accept it, I here and now make this condition that we will not be denied the privilege without molestation of visiting at any time the tombs of our ancestors, friends, and children. † The quote has implication that the chief Seattle will accept the colonial rule on the condition that the colonists will not hurt their ancestors, friends and children. And in the same paragraph, the writer emphasizes the importance to protect their holly hillsides, valleys, plains and so on again. I argue that his thoughts and requirements are too premature and primitive. These are the basic rights for human beings. Even these rights are promised to give these American Indiana, they are still far away from freedom, as I regard it. Therefore, the real freedom cannot be achieved either by abolishing a wrong system and totally losing control or by asking for so limited rights and show kindness or obedience to the colonists. Of course, freedom definitely is not what the Chief Seattle thinks. He views freedom as the rights on the foundation of compromise and only asks for poor limited rights. Besides, for me, freedom also is not absolute like Carlos Montezuma thinks. It does not mean you can do what you want without others’ management and totally losing control. Freedom means you can own all the proper political rights under the protection of an impartial system or laws. The most significant issue for the real freedom is to create a right system or laws to protect the rights legally for these American Indians. No matter the chief Seattle or Carlos Montezuma, they both lack in the consciousness to create a right system or laws to protect themselves. If this kind of thing can be done, the existence of India Bureau or the colonial rule of White Americans does not matter to them at all. For this reason, it is so vital for American Indians and also other races to force the society to create a more and more impartial system ceaselessly. Works Cited Carlos Montezuma, â€Å"Let My People Go†: An Address delivered at the conference of the Society of American Indians in Lawrence, Kansas, N. p : n. p ,1915 Dr. Henry A. Smith, AUTHENTIC TEXT OF CHIEF SEATTLE’S TREATY ORATION 1854, N. p : n. p ,1887.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Womens Heart Health Promotion in New Zealand

Womens Heart Health Promotion in New Zealand Karenne Melo Rosarie Ann Nicole Trespeces Joanne Tolentino Fight Against Heart Disease in Women: A Health Promotion Plan Health Promotion is the process of enabling people to have a control over their wellbeing—physical, emotional, socio-cultural and spiritual. Without encouragement from health professionals, improvement of health and reduction of the incidence of illnesses and disabilities is impossible to attain. Thus, health strategies in promoting health must take priority. In this paper, a health promotion plan on Heart Disease in Women, which is one of the objectives of the New Zealand Health strategies will be presented. New Zealand has a growing frequency rate of heart disease mainly because of its rising population, an ageing population and lifestyle variations such as smoking, having secondary lifestyle or physical inactivity and changes in diet. According to the Ministry of Health (2014), heart disease is the number one cause of mortality in New Zealand and is responsible for 30% death cases per year. One dies from heart disease every 90 minutes, giving a total number of 16 deaths per day in New Zealand. The Health Strategy for New Zealand gives a background for the health sector to inflate the total health status of New Zealanders and to lessen inequalities amongst New Zealanders. The unequal distribution of social determinants in terms of age, sex, hereditary factors, financial, education, occupation and housing conditions are associated with health inequalities. According to Ministry of Health (2012), â€Å"addressing these social determinants of inequalities requires a total health approach that takes justification and explanation of all the influences on health and in what way they can be commenced to improve overall health status. This method necessitates both intersectoral action that addresses the social and economic determinants of health and action within health and disability services.† Ministry of Health (2012), recommend philosophies in health that should be applied to any activities to safeguard inequalities in health in those activities. In the proposed framework, it includes making and imposing extensive strategies which are the following: Structural – social, financial, national and historical health inequalities root grounds identification Intermediary pathways – comprises psychosocial and behavioral factors that intercede the influence of structural factors on health Health and disability services – it is a thorough actions undertaking Impact – on socioeconomic situation minimization (MOH, 2012) Further, the key to Health Promotion here in New Zealand is the founding document of the Treaty of Waitangi. It is an agreement between the relationship of the Crown and the Maori. The crown represents the non-Maori people and the New Zealand government. The treaty of Waitangi is a document that provides the framework of Maori and non-Maori health development and well-being. This is to ensure that both parties are equally respected in terms of providing their health care needs. Also, to reduce the incidence of inequities between the Maori and Non-Maori, it is very important to acknowledge the Treaty of Waitangi and the treaty principles which is participation, partnership and protection. In participation, it emphasizes the involvement of Maori in planning, monitoring and evaluating programs. While the principle of partnership, refers to the relationship of Maori and non-Maori in making health plan, policies and programs. In making all these strategies and health promotion, it is important to include the principle of protection. This is to ensure that the interest of the Maori is protected and both Maori and Non-Maori have equal health status and outcomes (Ministry of Health, 2003). Moreover, the Ottawa Charter was first created during the first international conference on Health Promotion which was held in Ottawa, Canada in November, 1986. It is the key founding document of health promotion in New Zealand. This framework has provided a useful tool guide for actions and implementation of health promotion (Ministry of Health, 2003). Health Promotion Plan on Women’s Heart Disease The annual plan includes assessment, prevention and control programs, monitoring and evaluation, indirect management and administrative operations. Goal: The program aims to reduce the incidence of Women’s heart disease and control its complications by ensuring that Women in New Zealand have opportunities to access the health services/ programs. General Objectives: To conduct health assessment of women who are at risk for developing heart disease; To implement prevention and control program, such as eat well and be heart healthy, stretch and sweat, and fight against tobacco related death; To monitor and evaluate improvement of health and effectiveness of programs; To ensure practitioners are skilled and well-trained to be efficient in providing health promotion campaigns and education; To support operations in the conduct of the programs; Health Control and Prevention Programs Title: How’s your heart? Heart disease assessment and education Rationale: Screening tests and knowledge on heart disease are the keys to prevent cardiovascular disease (American Heart Association, 2014). Regular screening tests should begin at age 20 because this would serve as an eye-opener for women to modify their lifestyle or make necessary changes to prevent development of heart diseases. Education provides knowledge to women on how to make heart healthy and how to prevent heart diseases Goal: To provide free heart screening services in public health hospitals or centers monthly and provide regular health education campaigns and educational materials such as brochures, flyers, posters, pamphlets. Target population: Women living in New Zealand starting age 20. Strategies: Actions: Communicate and ask support to the Ministry of Health and Board of Trustees of the hospital for the implementation of the program, Involvement of Maori, Pacific, and other locals or migrants to support, contribute and participate in program development. Range of Activities: Vital screening tests are blood pressure, body weight, Fasting Lipoprotein Profile (cholesterol and triglycerides), blood glucose. Health Education Settings: Public Health Hospitals and Community Health Centers for the screening, University and Workplace for Education and a door-to-door campaign Title: Eat well and be heart healthy Rationale: Improving nutrition to reduce the prevalence of weight gain or obesity, a precursor to heart disease takes priority and be addressed (Willett, Koplan, Nugent, Dusenbury, Puska, Gaziano, 2006). In New Zealand, obesity is also one of the targets Health Strategies. Goal: To ensure mothers’/ women’s class shall be conducted to provide adequate knowledge on proper diet and menu preparation. Target population: Women living in New Zealand starting age 20. Strategies: Actions: Communicate and ask support to the Ministry of Health and Community authorities for the implementation of the program, Involvement of Maori, Pacific, and other locals or migrants to support, contribute and participate in program development. Range of Activities: Healthy food policy development, Food diary and menu planning, Health Education Settings: Public Health Hospitals and Community Health Centers, University and Workplace for Education and a door-to-door campaign Title: Stretch and Sweat Activities Rationale: Sedentary activity among women is known to be a major risk factor in developing heart disease next to smoking. In the year 2009, 246 New Zealanders had premature death caused by lack of physical activity). Failing to do physical inactivity can highly contribute to another risk factor like high cholesterol and high blood pressure. Sedentary activities may lead to poor health outcomes (Auckland Council, Waikato Regional Council, and Wellington Regional Strategy Committee, 2013). Evidently, active physical activities are beneficial to maintain a good health. It is helpful for maintaining a healthy heart and body. It is not only considered to be a preventive measure, but also a treatment itself (Auckland Council, Waikato Regional Council, and Wellington Regional Strategy Committee, 2013). According to Heart Foundation (2004), active physical activity can reduce up to 50% of incidence and fatality rate of heart disease. While, those with existing heart disease will have 25% decrease chance of dying from another heart attack. Goal: To incorporate 30 minutes of moderate to intense physical activities into the daily activities of women at least 5-7 times a week (Heart Foundation, 2004). Target Population: To achieve a maximum health benefit, it is important for people to be physically active. According to Active New Zealand Survey (2015), they identified that women are most likely to be inactive than men. This is due to the different factors that hinder them from participating in any physical activities. As stated by the World Health Organization (2015), lower income of women may be a barrier to access physical activity. Aside from that, women have limited time to engage in physical activities because of their caregiving roles at home. Strategies: Actions: Communicate and ask support to the Ministry of Health and Community authorities for the implementation of the program, Involvement of Maori, Pacific, and other locals or migrants to support, contribute and participate in program development. Range of Activities: Free yoga every Tuesday and Thursday morning and afternoon, Free Zumba class during weekends, Fun run activities and bike and hike activities Settings: Parks and open fields Title: Fight against Tobacco related death Rationale: According to the Ministry of Health, the main cause of avoidable morbidity and mortality in New Zealand is tobacco use. It is responsible for an estimated 4,300 to 4,600 deaths per year and it contributes considerably in the development of some heart disease. Tobacco consumption is one of the health inequalities in New Zealand as increased smoking incidence are seen amongst groups that have low income. On the other hand, approximately 1.3 billion individuals uses tobacco worldwide and it causes five million premature deceases annually. At the present stage, it is responsible for the mortality ratio of one in ten adults worldwide. As per WHO (2014), tobacco usage will result in to 10 million deaths annually by year 2020 if present patterns remain. Goal: The three key objectives of tobacco control strategies are to lessen initiation of smoking, to double the likelihood of quitting and to lessen the exposure to second- hand smoking. Target Population: The no smoking strategies are intended to become routine practice for all health care workers in connection to those individual who smoke. Nevertheless, within the population of individual who consumes tobacco there are specific target population. These are Maori and Pacific people as these population display considerably increase incidence of tobacco use compare to other population. New Zealand Health Survey 2013, found out that Maori women were two times probable to be a smoker in comparison in women in entire population while both Maori and Pacific men were 1.5 times probable to be smoker in comparison in the entire population. Another important target population are parents’ ages 15 to 45 years of age. Helping parents to stop smoking is vital to further lessening smoking initiation by children and young age. Strategies: Actions: Communicate and ask support to the Ministry of Health and Community authorities for the implementation of the program, Involvement of Maori, Pacific, and other locals or migrants to support, contribute and participate in program development. Range of Activities: Health Education, Smoke free celebration activities, individualized quit smoking plan, house-to-house monitoring, also promotion of nicotine replacement therapy. Nicotine Replacement Therapy comes in five forms that has been approved by the Food and Drug Administration. These are nicotine patches (transdermal nicotine system), nicotine gum (nicotine polacrilex), nicotine nasal spray, nicotine inhalers and nicotine lozenges.These are locally available which can be consumed for eight weeks, and double the chances of quitting as these will diminish smoking cravings without affecting one’s health. Monitoring and Evaluation: Each program must be monitored and evaluated whether effective or not in order to modify the program and conduct research studies on how to improve health. Indirect management and administrative operations: Attendance to meetings, convention, trainings, and summit is very important to ensure that the practitioners are skilled and effective in promoting health on heart disease. Support to operations: The funding and budget allocated for the health programs, which includes the education and campaign materials By and large, health promotion is critical in the health care delivery system, and that must be practiced to prevent or eradicate onset of diseases. Further, the involvement and consultancy of the people in the community in the development of programs are extremely significant to identify health threats and problems properly, and make necessary intervention programs tailored to their needs. Consequently, would address and prevent health inequalities and improve health outcomes. References Auckland Council, Waikato Regional Council, Wellington Regional Strategy Committee. (2013). Information for General Practice on Physical Activity and Heart Disease. Retrieved on March 30, 2015, from http://wellington.govt.nz/~/media/about-wellington/research-and-evaluation/people-and-community/2013-costs-physical-inactivity-regional-accounting-perspective.pdf Active New Zealand Suvey. (2015). Part 1: How active are we? how active do we want to be? Retrieved on March 30, 2015, from http://www.activenzsurvey.org.nz/Results/NZ-Sport-and-Physical-Surveys-9701/SPARC-Facts-97-01/Part-1/ American Heart Association. (2014). Heart-Health Screenings. Retrieved on March 30, 2015 from http://www.heart.org/HEARTORG/Conditions/Heart-Health-Screenings_UCM_428687_Article.jsp Heart Research Institute. (2013). Heart Disease in New Zealand. Retrieved on March 18, 2015, from http://www.hri.org.nz/about-heart-disease/heart-facts/ Heart Foundation. (2004). Information for General Practice on Physical Activity and Heart Disease. Retrieved on March 30, 2015, from http://www.heartfoundation.org.au/SiteCollectionDocuments/GP-PA-and-heart-disease.pdf Ministry of Health. (2003). A Guide to Developing Health Promotion Programmes in Primary Health Care Settings. Retrieved on March 31, 2015, from http://www.hauora.co.nz/assets/files/PHO%20Info/dvpinghealthpromotionprogs.pdf Ministry of Health. (2013). Implementing the ABC Approach for Smoking Cessation. Retrieved on March 18, 2015, from https://www.health.govt.nz/system/files/documents/publications/implementing-abc-approach-smoking-cessation-feb09.pdf Ministry of Health. (2013). Reducing Inequalities in Health. Retrieved on March 18, 2015, from https://www.health.govt.nz/system/files/documents/publications/reducineqal.pdf Quitline. (2013). Nicotine patches, gum and lozenges. Retrieved on March 18, 2015, from http://www.quit.org.nz/62/help-to-quit/nicotine-patches-gum-and-lozenges Willett, W.Koplan, J.Nugent, R.Dusenbury, C.,Puska, P. Gaziano, T. (2006). Disease Control Priorities in Developing Countries 2nd ed. Retrieved March 29, 2015 from http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK11795/ World Health Organization. (2015). Physical Activity and Women. Retrieved on March 30,2015, from http://www.who.int/dietphysicalactivity/factsheet_women/en/ World Health Organization. (2015). Health Promotion. Retrieved on March 30, 2015, from http://www.who.int/healthpromotion/conferences/previous/ottawa/en/ World Health Organization. (2014). Why is tobacco a public health priority? Retrieved on March 18, 2015, fromhttp://www.who.int/tobacco/health_priority/en/print.html.

Studying The Database Management System

Studying The Database Management System A Database Management System is a commercial software program used to control, manipulate and maintain the Database by enabling users to access, store, organize, modify, retrieve, secure and provide integrity of data in a database. A DBMS accepts request from users or applications and instructs the operating system to transfer the appropriate data as shown in the diagram below. Wikipedia (2011) defines Database Management System as a set of computer programs that controls the creation, maintenance, and the use of a database. It allows organizations to place control of database development in the hands of database administrators (DBAs) and other specialists. A DBMS is a system software package that helps the use of integrated collection of data records and files known as databases. It allows different user application programs to easily access the same database. DBMSs may use any of a variety of database models, such as the network model or relational model. In large systems, a DBMS allows users and other software to store and retrieve data in a structured way. Instead of having to write computer programs to extract information, user can ask simple questions in a query language. Thus, many DBMS packages provide Fourth-generation programming language (4GLs) and other application development features. It helps to specify the logical organization for a database and access and use the information within a database. It provides facilities for controlling data access, enforcing data integrity, managing concurrency, and restoring the database from backups. A DBMS also provides the ability to logically present database information to users. Examples: Microsoft Access, My SQL, Microsoft SQL Server, Oracle and FileMaker Pro are all examples of database management systems. (Wikipedia, 2011). Microsoft Access: Microsoft Office Access, previously known as Microsoft Access, is a relational database management system from Microsoft that combines the relational Microsoft jet database Engine with a graphical user interface and software-development tools. It is a member of the Microsoft Office suite of applications, included in the Professional and higher editions or sold separately. In mid-May 2010, the current version Microsoft Access 2010 was released by Microsoft in Office 2010; Microsoft Office Access 2007 was the prior version. My SQL: MySQL is a relational database management system that runs as a server providing multi-user access to a number of databases. It is named after developer Michael Widenius daughter, my. The SQL phrase stands for Structured Query Language. Microsoft SQL Server: Microsoft SQL Server is a relational model database server produced by Microsoft. Its primary query languages are T-SQL and ANSI S SQL. Oracle: The Oracle Database (commonly referred to as Oracle RDBMS or simply as Oracle) is an object-relational database management system (ORDBMS), produced and marketed by Oracle Corporation. FileMaker Pro: FileMaker Pro is a cross-platform relational database application from FileMaker Inc., formerly Claris, a subsidiary of Apple Inc. It integrates a database engine with a GUI-based interface, allowing users to modify the database by dragging new elements into layouts, screens, or forms. Advantages Singh (2009) illustrates advantages and disadvantages of DBMS. A true DBMS offers several advantages over file processing. The principal advantages of a DBMS are the followings: à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Flexibility: Because programs and data are independent, programs do not have to be modified when types of unrelated data are added to or deleted from the database, or when physical storage changes. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Fast response to information requests: Because data are integrated into a single database, complex requests can be handled much more rapidly then if the data were located in separate, non-integrated files. In many businesses, faster response means better customer service. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Multiple access: Database software allows data to be accessed in a variety of ways (such as through various key fields) and often, by using several programming languages (both 3GL and nonprocedural 4GL programs). à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Lower user training costs: Users often find it easier to learn such systems and training costs may be reduced. Also, the total time taken to process requests may be shorter, which would increase user productivity. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Less storage: Theoretically, all occurrences of data items need be stored only once, thereby eliminating the storage of redundant data. System developers and database designers often use data normalization to minimize data redundancy. Warehouse of information, where large data can be stored. Systematic storage meaning data can be stored in the form of tables. Change of schema meaning it is not platform dependent tables can be edited to add new ones without hampering the applications. No language dependence meaning use of various languages on various platforms. Table joins meaning data can be in two or more tables and can be put into one table this enables easy retrieval of data. Data security meaning DBMS secures all your data. The data independence and efficient access of data Easy in data administration or data management. Provides concurrent access, recovers the data from the crashes. Disadvantages A database system generally provides on-line access to the database for many users. In contrast, a conventional system is often designed to meet a specific need and therefore generally provides access to only a small number of users. Because of the larger number of users accessing the data when a database is used, the enterprise may involve additional risks as compared to a conventional data processing system in the following areas. Confidentiality, privacy and security. Data quality. Data integrity. Enterprise vulnerability may be higher. The cost of using DBMS. Confidentiality, Privacy and Security When information is centralised and is made available to users from remote locations, the possibilities of abuse are often more than in a conventional data processing system. To reduce the chances of unauthorised users accessing sensitive information, it is necessary to take technical, administrative and, possibly, legal measures. Most databases store valuable information that must be protected against deliberate trespass and destruction. Data Quality Since the database is accessible to users remotely, adequate controls are needed to control users updating data and to control data quality. With increased number of users accessing data directly, there are enormous opportunities for users to damage the data. Unless there are suitable controls, the data quality may be compromised. Data Integrity Since a large number of users could be using a database concurrently, technical safeguards are necessary to ensure that the data remain correct during operation. The main threat to data integrity comes from several different users attempting to update the same data at the same time. The database therefore needs to be protected against inadvertent changes by the users. Enterprise Vulnerability Centralising all data of an enterprise in one database may mean that the database becomes an indispensible resource. The survival of the enterprise may depend on reliable information being available from its database. The enterprise therefore becomes vulnerable to the destruction of the database or to unauthorised modification of the database. The Cost of using a DBMS Conventional data processing systems are typically designed to run a number of well-defined, pre-planned processes. Such systems are often tuned to run efficiently for the processes that they were designed for. Although the conventional systems are usually fairly inflexible in that new applications may be difficult to implement and/or expensive to run, they are usually very efficient for the applications they are designed for. The database approach on the other hand provides a flexible alternative where new applications can be developed relatively inexpensively. The flexible approach is not without its costs and one of these costs is the additional cost of running applications that the conventional system was designed for. Using standardised software is almost always less machine efficient than specialised software. Cost of hardware and software meaning having to upgrade the hardware used for file based system it is very costly. Cost of data conversion meaning its costly to convert data of data files into database and have to hire database and system designers. Cost of staff training meaning organization has to be aid a lot of amount for the training of staff to run dms. Database damage meaning all data stored into a single file if database is damaged due to electric failure or database is corrupted on a storage media meaning all valuable data may be lost forever. It also takes a lot of time and effort to get DBMS started. Benefits of a Database Management System in an organization As discuss by the Ezinearticles (2011), organizations often times find themselves in a dilemma on how they can effectively serve the needs of their members. At the same time, they also enter a situation wherein there is difficulty in handling data, given the sheer volume of information. More often than not, the results of these instances are not anything but desirable; confusion, chaos, mismanagement, lost confidence by members, etc. To solve these problems, organizations turn to information technology (IT) experts for answers. With many years of experience in coming up with solutions for businesses and other entities, IT professionals have what it takes to come up with an effective data management and accreditation system that will be used by organizations. There must also be enhanced accessibility to the said system, which means that members from other locations can still gain entry into the system, regardless of elements such as time and geography. Investing on the services of IT consultants is, however, not like buying something from a store. It entails huge sums of money to come up with a good data management and accreditation system for an organization, aside from engaging the professional services of IT experts. Fortunately, IT experts can help minimize the cost through the creation of a database system based on existing resources being held by the organization. Investing on the services of IT experts and having a good data and accreditation management system may seem to be too costly, but the long-term benefits are worthy to be seen. By having a good database system, it will be much easier for organizations to deal with their members because of enhanced access to information. The placement of additional pieces of information can be done better if there is a good data management system. Having a good data and accreditation management system empowers members of an organization. This is possible because they have the ability to gain the necessary information about things that matter to them as members. They conduction of business with the organizations intervention is made faster and more efficient if a good data management system is in place. There is no reason for organizations to hesitate when it comes to investing on a good data and accreditation management system. The long-term benefits of having one are far greater than the costs, and will be very helpful to the organization and their members in the long run. Improved strategic use of corporate data. Reduced complexity of the organizations information systems environment. Reduced data redundancy and inconsistency. Enhanced data integrity. Application-data independence. Improved security. Reduced application development and maintenance costs. Improved flexibility of information systems. Increased access and availability of data and information. (Blurtit, 2011). Prospects in DBMS and Career Opportunities The work of a database administrator (DBA) varies according to the nature of the employing organisation and the level of responsibility associated with the post. The work may be pure maintenance or it may also involve specialising in database development. Prospects, the UKs official career website (2011) states that jobs available in this field are: Senior Database Architect Database Architect design and builds database structure and objects that best support operational and analytics application. Tests and debug physical database objects for performance and troubleshooting. * Design and implement optimal star and snowflake schema in the database * Communicate and collaborate with team members and management on the designed database structures and schemas * Write and present eloquently with the appropriate audience perspective in mind * Support troubleshooting of production issues of existing application as warranted * Participate in collaborative discussions with team members to monitor progress against enhancement queue and bug resolution. * Stay proactive in identifying potential risks/issues due to the overall application design and make recommendations. Database Administrator This position requires a Top Secret Security Clearance. This position will support a US Air Force Contract. The successful candidate will be responsible for planning, coordinating and administering computerized databases, including base definition, structure, documentation, long and short range requirements, operational guidelines, protection and logical-physical database design. Formulates and monitors policies, procedures and standards relating to database management. Identifies, evaluates and recommends relevant COTS software tools. Collaborate with software engineers, security administration, computer operations, network management and system administration to ensure quality and integrity of databases, application software and data. Responsible for performance monitoring, database. Database Architect Specialist Database Architect design and builds database structure and objects that best support operational and analytics application. Tests and debug physical database objects for performance and troubleshooting. * Design and implement optimal star and snowflake schema in the database * Communicate and collaborate with team members and management on the designed database structures and schemas * Write and present eloquently with the appropriate audience perspective in mind * Support troubleshooting of production issues of existing application as warranted * Participate in collaborative discussions with team members to monitor progress against enhancement queue and bug resolution. * Stay proactive in identifying potential risks/issues due to the overall application design and make recommendations. Database Administration Consultant Evaluates new database technologies and tools, sets database system and programming standards, applies database technology to business problems and manages the development and production database environments with emphasis on security, availability and performance. Provides database services in compliance with all audit and regulatory requirements. The ideal candidate must be experienced in the management of Oracle E-Business including installation, upgrade, patching, cloning, backup and recovery, monitoring, tuning, security, and definition of procedures for custom development. The ideal candidate must be experienced in the implementation and management of Oracle E-Business as configured for the Oracle Massive Availability Architecture. Senior Database Engineer Responsible for requirements analysis, software development and installation, integration, evaluation, enhancement, maintenance, testing, and problem diagnosis and resolution. Qualifications: Bachelors degree with ten (10) years experience as a Database Engineer in developing relational database software and experience with one or more relational database products. Preferred Additional Skills: Possess organizational and management skills, along with the ability to respond to crises objectively. Understanding of the current database management system releases. Conclusion The document that we have put together is a group assignment that was done by four individuals. Some of the problems that we faced as a group are that, we couldnt meet due to our clashing schedules; others are busy with other obligations. We would like to say that we tried to produce the best group work that we could, hopefully learnt from this experience to better ourselves for our future endeavors.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

The Concept of Mentorship Essay -- Health Care, Nursing

In the following assignment the author will critically explore, discuss, reflect upon and evaluate mentorship within clinical nursing placements. With particular reference to learning disabilities and respite care, the author will look at the needs and benefits of mentorship, as well as the problems and constraints, especially being in such a specialised service. The author will explore the area of orientation, looking at why it is such an important aspect of the whole placement area. Once these aspects have been explored, the author will go on to discuss the placement, the problems that have been encountered throughout and the ways in which these can be addressed effectively, to ensure that they are reduced and expelled as much as possible. Any names and places used throughout the assignment have been changed to ensure anonymity and maintain confidentiality at all times, adhering to data protection. The concept of mentorship was originally introduced in the 1970s in America. It was fully embraced and bought over to the UK as a formal support system in the late 1980s (Learning Disability Practice, 2006, 9, 3, 16-18). At that time, nursing was predominately carried out by females. It was these females that identified the lack of, and need of a formal support system within the profession. The role of mentorship has been explored by many authors and theorists since the introduction of it into the nursing profession. In 1982, Zwolski stated that 'mentorship is seen as a broader, longer term relationship, aimed at guiding the student towards an established place in the profession'. This was later backed up by Armitage and Burnard in 1991, arguing that 'a deeper understanding of the role and functions associated with a ... ...iable. (www.NursingTimes.net 2008) Under the NMC guidelines, standards to support learning and assessment (2006), all nurses must mentor at least 2 students every 3 years. However not all nurses have acquired the knowledge, skills and attributes required to be an effective mentor. (NMC 2006). The Royal College of Nursing (RCN) discovered that the main reason for a student to have an inadequate placement is the lack of access to mentors, due to sickness, annual leave or other reasons. This consequently leads to a lack of consistency when setting goals, reviewing progress and assessing learning objectives at the final interview (RCN). Other reasons include short staffing – leading to overstretched staff not having time for students, being left to learn for themselves, thus meaning students aren't given the opportunities to learn and expand upon their experiences.

Friday, July 19, 2019

Titanic Essay example -- essays research papers fc

One of the greatest news headlines of all times was actually never supposed to happen. The shocking news of the sunken ocean liner the Titanic shocked millions. The sinking itself probably wouldn’t have even mattered except that the builders themselves said that the ship simply could not sink. The news not only hit the United States, but countries everywhere were saddened to hear the news of â€Å"The Unsinkable† and its grave end. In 1907 a man named J. Bruce Ismay, who was the manager of White Star Lines went to a dinner party at the mansion of the wealthy William James Pierre. Pierre was a chairman to one of the largest shipbuilding companies in Belfast, Harland and Wolff. At dinner the two discussed luxury ships like the Lusitania and the Mauretania. These two liners were more luxurious and faster than any other liner ever made and that was bad news for Ismay and Pierre. It was a problem because Cunard Lines, the maker of these two luxury ships, was White Star Lines’ only competition. By the time dinner was over they had made up a plan to build three ‘Olympic’ class ships. These ships would be fifteen hundred gross tons larger and about one hundred feet longer than the Lusitania and the Mauretania. The building of the Titanic and the Olympic were to start immediately, with the Britannic to follow in the coming years. On July 29, 1908 White Star owners approved the design plan for the thr ee ships. The final price cost of each ship was approximately seven million five hundred dollars. In order to build the ships, new special made slips had to be made to be able to carry their weight. On March 31, 1909 the construction on the Titanic began. The ships would all feature compartments that would seal off sections of the ship that may have taken on water in case of a collision. These compartments were a part of the brand new idea of a watertight compartment system. The Titanic was to be the most lavish of the three luxury vessels. It was to have ankle-deep beautiful carpet, wonderfully detailed ornamental carvings on the floor and ceiling. The Titanic was finished on February 3, 1912. (Domont, www.geocites†¦; Acheson, www.museum.gov)   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The Titanic set out on its fateful voyage on May 31st, 1911 from Southampton to New York. On the way she stopped in Cherbourg and Queenstown. On the Titanic’s voyage numerous iceberg warnings were received... ...ning of April 14th, 1912 the world lost over one thousand souls due to one of the most discussed disasters of all time. Weather or not it could have been prevented is still a mystery. Those who lost their lives in this tragic event will always be remembered through books, movies, research and most of all, by their loved ones and families. The Titanic’s legacy as the largest ship on earth ended just as large as it began, as the unsinkable ship that sunk. To think, one white star even said, â€Å"God himself could not sink this ship.† (Acheson, www.museum.gov..) Works Cited Acheson, P., & Conlin, D. (2000, March 29). Maritime Museum of the Atlantic. Retrieved October 27, 2004, from http://museum.gov.ns.ca/mma/index Butler, D. A. (1998). ’Unsinkable’ The Full Story. Mechanicsburg: Stackpole Books. Domont, E. (1997, April 6). Titanic Homeport. Retrieved October 27, 2004, from http://www.geocities.com/Athens/Oracle/8921/ Heyer, P. (1995). Titanic Legacy: Disaster as Media Event and Myth. Westport: Praeger Publishers. Spignesi, S. J. (1998). The Complete Titanic. Ontario, Canada: Carol Publishing Group. Spignesi, S. J. (1998). The Complete Titanic. Secacucels: Carol Publishing Group.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Propaganda Essay -- essays research papers

Distorted Mirror of Reality â€Å"All propaganda must be popular and its intellectual level must be adjusted to the most limited intelligence among those it is addressed to, consequently, the greater the mass it is intended to reach, the lower its purely intellectual level will have to be.† ~Adolf Hitler Mein Kampf â€Å"Psychology of Propaganda† Fascism is a form of counter-revolutionary politics that first arose in the early part of the twentieth-century in Europe. It was a response to the rapid social upheaval, the devastation of World War I, and unstable economy. Fascism is a philosophy or a system of government that advocates or exercises a dictatorship of the extreme right, typically through the merging of state and business leadership, together with an ideology of aggressive nationalism. It promotes celebrating the nation or the race as a pure community surpassing all other loyalties. This right-wing political philosophy will even advocate violent action to maintain this loyalty which is held in such high regards. The most recognized name that goes along with Fascism is Germany’s Adolf Hitler, a founder of the Nazi party who rose to power in 1933. Some of the central mythic goals of National Socialist movement in 1930’s Germany were to: activate â€Å"the people† as a whole against perceived oppressors or enemies, to create a pure nation of unity, and to establish ultimate control of one supreme leader, Hitler, from whom all power proceeds downward. Nationalism thus became a central component of the Third Reich. As a result, art of propaganda was considered to be the most crucial element in establishing the new Reich as envisioned by Hitler. Politics and aesthetics seemingly united in this context. Art became a cultural and political mission in Germany and it led to an increase in ethnic propaganda. This essay, therefore, will analytically discuss the mythic context of Hitler’s Race and Nation and Leni Riefenstahl’s film, Triumph of the Will by examining its significance within Nazi conceptions of Aryanism and art. Adolf Hitler's Mein Kampf (My Struggle) dwells on his views on the significance of race in culture and social systems, and particularly on his perception of the role of Aryans and Jews in culture creation and destruction. In order to bring together and gain support from the majority of the nation Hitler praises the mythical importance of Aryan race,... ...ent. Riefenstahl's shooting of the film brings out not only the spoken content of the Nazi mythology, but also expresses their ideals through heavy visual imagery. Clearly in the beginning of the movie we observe the birth of a myth when a serious and gloomy atmosphere surrounds the mythic message with the titles, â€Å"16 years after the German woe began...† then changes to an uplifting mood when the titles say, â€Å"19 months after the beginning of Germany's rebirth...† We sense almost unbearable tension of anticipation as represented through the music and the lighting, later the tone of the music gets somewhat subdued and turns into something dreamy, mystical while we see the billowing clouds. When the silhouette of Nuremberg appears through the clouds the music turns into the Nazi anthem, which continues while we see the shadow of the plane over the marching columns of storm troopers. This demonstrates the significance of the music for creating the desired emot ional impression among the viewers. Also, one must not underestimate the importance of the national anthem in the attempts of a party to ascertain that they are the â€Å"only† party that â€Å"truly† represents the people and the nation.

Fredrick Douglas Paper

Fredrick Douglass The analysis By Justin Ruano 11/14/11 Hist Am Civ 1607-1877 [pic] Have you ever wondered to yourself if you firmly belief in something that you could understand the opposite side of it? Well if you just so happened to believe in slavery and I were to tell you a story about an American born slave that is making his case to abolish I, would you listen? In the book Narrative of the Life of Fredrick Douglass, An American slave & Incidents in the Life of a Slave Girl, Fredrick Douglass in his portion of the book goes on to make his case that slavery should be abolished.The way he goes about reasoning why it should be abolished is first he tells us about his experience during his period of slavery and in that experience it explains with a main point why and how it works. Secondly, he uses this book as a tool to help expose the true evil of slavery and uses once again experience which is a helpful thing. Lastly, he uses the fact that slave owners make the slaves ignorant o f their age, where they were born, and who their parents are. Fredrick Douglass throughout this book uses experiences to show why slavery should be abolished.Fredrick Douglass was born in 1818 and he died in 1895, and he was born into slavery in Talbot Country, Maryland. (Fredrick Douglass facts page) In chapter 1, Fredrick Douglass said that he had witnessed these beatings and that it had happened often. â€Å"I remember the first time I ever witnessed this horrible exhibition. I was quite a child, but I well remembered it. †¦ It was the first of a long series of such outrages, of which I was doomed to be a witness and a participant†¦Ã¢â‚¬  (Douglass pg 21) For example, the last paragraph of( page 21) going to( page 22) is the first experience of the beatings he witnessed. He took her into the kitchen, and stripped her from neck to waist, leaving her neck, shoulders, and back entirely naked†¦. † By using experiences, he is able to show people that even some s lave owners kill their slaves from beating. Murder is a sin especially for the religious people who were not so affected by this. For example on the bottom of (page 25) Fredrick Douglass Notes that Mr. Severe was called a very cruel man. Also noted that he had seen him whip a woman and take great pleasure in doing so. Since when does anyone take pleasure in torturing people is my question.For Fredrick Douglass, this book was his greatest resource to convincing people to abolish slavery because, slavery did not affect many people and especially for white people, they of course were not going to care. The challenge fir Douglass was that people didn’t know and they didn’t care. That was his biggest challenge. Books don’t lie. For Fredrick Douglass, he would have liked to be alive during the time slavery was officially gone. For example why this book helped him make his case is because he went through these things and witnessed these events. His biography of how sla very really was like back then.Beatings to the point slaves would die due to a lot of bleeding. The main point for this reason of how he went about to explain his case is this book. He wrote it with events, names, dates. Things that define what history is. Another example of how his book was a tool to help him make his case is that throughout this whole book he talked about a lot of violence from the beatings that he witnessed. In the First chapter he mentioned how he was roughly 7 years old and he witnessed a brutal beating his master gave one of the salves that was with Fredrick Douglass. Pg 21) Finally, by using this book as a tool he exposed evil by once again talking about his experiences about slavery. Fredrick Douglass a few times in the book says that the slave-owners tend to make the slaves ignorant of their age, where there from, and even their parents. For example, he says on the very first page of chapter one that, â€Å" By far the large part of the slaves know as litt le of their ages as horses know of theirs, and it is the wish of most masters within my knowledge to keep their slaves thus ignorant. †(Douglass pg 17) For someone to not know their age or mainly anything about themselves is pretty ridiculous.He also says on the same page that he doesn’t really know anyone who even knows their own birthday, nor is he knowledgeable of his age. For him just trying to make his case about slavery should be abolished is hard enough. To even have a hard time to find out his age is also pretty unbelievable. Also for him once again trying to make a case that it should be abolished was very difficult but to not even recall his mother’s death or anything is pretty sad. For the people he is trying to convince is also an advance fro his case because he must know that none of them would want to be like him not remembering or knowing anything about himself.Lastly, For Fredrick Douglass to be able to learn his year of birth from a conversation he overheard from his master when trying to make his case would in his mind help him to win the audience he has. Throughout the course of the book Fredrick Douglass makes his case about how slavery should be abolished. The way he goes about that is he talks about his experiences so that his audience will get a good view of exactly what is going on and then determine what works. He then uses the book as a tool so that he has an even stronger case about why it should be abolished.Finally, he talks about how the slave-owners would rather have their slaves to be ignorant about how exactly they are and when they were born, age, and even parents. Hes uses these three things to make his case of why slavery should be abolished and the biggest â€Å"how† is using the book as a tool. Personal Reaction to Fredrick Douglass Part of reading My personal reaction to the book is that I thought there was a lot of emotion that he spilled out into this book and that is what truly made this book enjoyable for me to read. Biographies are my favorite types of books.When I first picked up this book I though it wasn’t going to be a very good book because reading books about someone’s slavery story isn’t what I like to read but as I started to get into the book I thought it was very hard to put down and it was one of the best books that I have read. It was something new to me by reading it but to me it was very good about learning how his life basically went dealing with being a slave and then trying to argue how slavery should be abolished. Very good narrative and I would defitnely recommend this book for someone to read.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

How is a feeling of suspense created in the station scene, from the film ‘The Untouchables’

In this essay I give analyze the railway pur encounter in the film The Untouchables. I impart chief(prenominal)ly concentrate on the populace of skepticism I will be flavour at the three topics that theatre directors substance ab work to create antithetical types of atmosphere. These three things ar photographic television photographic camera weight downs and endeavour, the use of go bad and illuminate and to what ex decennaryt they contri thate. This pictorial matter is supposed to be a stress ending to the violence, the final exam shoot bring kayoed(a) to try and admit Al Capone put in prison.The interview would probably be quite confounded and wondering who is who and why each thing is accident. This confusion fetchs to the latent hostility. The crack (and film) is set in Chicago during the 1930s. In the 1930s America was to a utterer push prohibition, prohibition meant that it was illegal to sell, make or transport alcoholic drink. Although this rule was do on that point was still a muckle of bullion to be do with alcohol through and through bootlegging. Bootlegging was illeg all toldy selling alcohol, al intimately e trulyone knew easily-nigh bootlegging and where to buy alcohol. simply the alcohol was sold at a naughtyer price thence it would be usually, a great deal much higher, this meant that the consumer still had to hap a lot of money for it, which detracted from the professional point of prohibition which was to stop commonwealth spending money on alcohol as the countries economy was collapsing as shares were worthy nonhing. In Chicago during this condemnation, non inappropriate other cities around America thither were some(prenominal) rival gangs, which ran Chicago, the most definitive gang leader was Al Capone. He was the richest man for miles and reportedly earned i170,000,000 a year Which in those days specially was astronomical.He is the gangster that Elliot ness a federal agent, Ge orge muffin a teachee policeman, crowd Malone a veteran policeman, and Oscar Wallace an accountant, are extinct to stop. By the time of this horizon, sole(prenominal) mantle And Stone are left backup and guide vowed to take up Al Capone. to a greater extentover they erectnot prove anything slightly him that would send him to dawdle although he is a k without delayn gangster, in that respect is nothing concrete until they found out that he hadnt been paying his income taxes and his bookkeeper could prove it. His bookkeeper was about to be taken away by inveigh maybe in instance he was bribed or threatened and put Capone in trouble. mantle And Stones last chance to catch Capone is to get the bookkeeper, alive. First I am outlet to go through the main narrative points of the scene ness and Stone enter the station mantle takes his place on the upper floor, where he can substantiate the entrance at centre level, and the stairs and well-nigh of the program to a lower place him. Stone goes round the corner to overcome a place where Ness instructs him. A lot of people enter the station in that respect are a a fewer(prenominal) suspicious tone people that could be a gangster who is break up of Al Capones gang or the bookkeeper himself.Ness keeps an insuret and soul on all of them. A adult female is coming up from the weapons platform but is struggling with her cases and the bearing. She cant get them up the stairs easily, Ness keeps take careing amid her and the possible suspects, thus fartually he leaves his advantage point and goes push pull trim the stairs to attention the woman. All the suspects by now switch been cleared morose suspicion by (for representative) loss off with their wives or not staying on the platform. Ness pulls the perambulator up the stairs, the woman thanks him continuously, succession he pulls the pram up Ness looks out for gangsters.Ness has had his pump on some people who may be gangsters , as he reaches the top of the stairs he looks hind end him and sees a man he recognizes, the man has a broken nestle that is strapped up. Ness pulls a shotgun out of his jacket and shoots the man killing him. The pram gets knocked by Ness and starts to roll down the stairs. Other men who are standing(a) on the stairs reach into their jackets and pull out guns, Ness shoots another in the shoulder, and kills another, one gangster shoots up at him from the bottom of stairs and takes cover behind a mainstay.The pram continues to fall down the stairs the man who got shot in the shoulder shoots wildly and hits the pram. Two Sailors deport up the stairs form the platform and get shot as they operate in front of the pram. Stone comes travel rapidly across the bottom of the stairs, throws Ness a new gun as Nesss had stay out of bullets, kills the man behind the pillar slides across the floor, stops the pram travel and aims his gun at the last rest gangster (the one who got shot in the shoulder) who is holding his gun against the bookkeepers head. Ness demands that the gangster lets the bookkeeper go and no one gets hurt.The gangster who is rattling agitated shouts that him and the bookkeeper are loss and if anyone moves he will shoot the bookkeeper and then they deliver nothing against Capone. The bookkeeper nervously says he will tell them all they insufficiency to know. There is much arguing until Ness signals to Stone and Stone shoots the gangster in the head, the gangster slumps to the floor and the bookkeeper scared stupid remains unharmed. I am now divergence to palaver about the use of different camera angles and camera movement and how they are use and why. The most usually use camera angle was a high angle shot.The majority of these would have been Nesss view from the overhang looking down on the stairs and the platform. This angle would have been by the director, Brian De Palma apply to draw the audience into the position of Ness maki ng it more real for them as if they were thither, in that locationfore rhytidectomy the irresolution as they witness part of the scene. However a lot of low angle shots are in addition utilize, many of these are looking up at Ness, this may the audience think on that point is somebody possibly a gangster looking up at Ness from below this would in any case raise uncertainty. The angle would also have been used to ground Nesss facial behaviors and where he is looking.Occasionally in that respect were close ups of Ness to really line of battle his facial expressions and bring the audience as close as possible to him and how he is noticeing, this would add the unbelief as again they feel attached to the scene comparable they are in that location. These camera angles from Nesss perspective and looking at him happen while he is standing on the overhang when he moves down the stairs to help the shaver and then gets entangled in the shootout, there are different camera angles focal point on him although there are more close ups after he leaves the overhang. date Ness helps the woman with the pram most of the camera angles are low ones looking up at him as he climbs the stairs and some down at him and past him to show what he is doing and what is loss on below him on the platform. The high angle shots that look down at him and past him are most powerful at creating suspense because they show Nesss restiveness and at any moment a gangster could appear below him while he is unaware. While the shootout is happening there are various fill up up shots.This is to show the expressions of the combatants and how they are macrocosm affected by the shootout. This is very stress as there is a lot of anxiousness and fear on the establishments of everyone as they are fighting for their lives. This is particularly the case when there is a close up of the woman diving to save her fry from falling down the stairs as you can see all of her face close up an d you can se the fear written on it even though there is no impenetrable at that point.There are also a lot of long shots and deuce shots to unwrap the fulfill and what is going on at eye level so it is straight in front of you, this makes you as the audience feel very involved in the action as your eye level is with the action you are not looking down on or up at it, as it is in front of your face, and as the action is very dangerous it adds greatly to the suspense in the scene. At the start of the scene the time was repeatedly shown, this repetitive image added to the suspense greatly as it showed clearly that time is lead out for Ness as months of work depend on the side by side(p) few moments.As the clock is repeatedly shown this incident is driven into us, raising suspense as we wait to see if Ness will get his man in time. Next I will look at lighting and what areas are light and why. The scene is set quite of late at night at 10 O Clock, so the lighting would be artif icial from the lights in the station which the director would have strategically shone them in different areas for different reasons, which I will talk about now. Very light areas of the scene were the stairs and the entryway, this is because the majority of the action happened there and it was the focus of where Ness was looking at.The platform area is also quite well lit, as it is another area Ness was constantly looking for gangsters in. Dark areas of the scene were Stone was as not much happened there and he was meant to be apart(p) from sight. The prams was very well lit during the scene as it is meant to signify innocence and the pram protecting the baby, giving it safety, and in the inconsolable things are generally more precarious and unsafe especially for young children so the light is to signify it is protected.Somemultiplication the camera swung/panned around the scene for character in the shootout, this gave us as the audience a chance to survey what is going on from and move as if we are travel in the scene to look what is going on, worry if we cant quite see something we would move to see it, the camera mournful us gives us that feeling. As we feel handle we are there up to now again this creates more suspense for us as an audience. Next I am going to talk about choke, and how negotiation. become effectuate, ambient well-grounded and non-digetic sounds are used and why they are used.First I will explain what each sound is Dialogue row spoken on screen by characters. Dialogue is used to develop characters, the plot and display congenital communication. Sound effects Non-verbal sounds from an action. Sound effects are used to reinforce an action and too add realism. For showcase if someone closed a door and you couldnt hear it close, it would sound fake, and ruin the effect. ambient sounds living background sound, which may not be on screen.Ambient sounds are also used to reinforce realism for example if the scene is in a demesne and no wind is heard, or tinkers dams affair it would seem fake, similar to sound effects but the effect may not be on screen, e. g. a bird calling, the bird may not be on screen. Non-digetic sounds Not part of the scene. Non digetic sounds are things like harmony or vocalize overs, they are used to create or reinforce a mood or can intensify a situation, for example eerie melody could be used in a haunted house, acquire eerier as things get tenser. This reinforces the atmosphere being created off screen.All the different cardinal sound types are used in the scene. The most comm provided used sound was non-digetic. Almost throughout the scene there was harmony playing. It changed as the scene changed, for example at the end of the scene upright after the final gangster was killed there were piano and violins playing together, they played in such a way that a mysterious feeling was given. Then when we cognise the gangster was dead and the bookkeeper survived the t ense music ended with a long note, which go the tension. This is a prime example of music (non digetic sound) enforcing the atmosphere that is created on stage.Another astray used ambient sound was the tannoy announcer completely he spoke 4 times in the space of a few minutes. He was announcing that the train would be going away in a few minutes, all board and last call, this also drummed into us as the audience that time was running out therefore creating suspense too to the clock. Sound effects were not used to much important in my view they were conscionable used to reinforce actions like the footsteps on the stairs. However when the pram was going up the steps it made a very loud crashing sound, louder then it would naturally, this created suspense.Ambient sounds similarly to sound effects only were occasionally used to reinforce the fact the scene is in a train station, with the odd sound adding to the realism, like the train steaming out of the train off camera occasiona lly, this added to the suspense as it made the scene more realistic and made us as the audience feel as if we were there. There wasnt much converse in the scene most of it was just basic the only important dialogue was at the very end amid ness, the gangster and the bookkeeper when they were arguing over the mass of the bookkeeper.This was very important as the gangster and Ness were trying to play pass games with each other through words. Words are the clearest form of communication and in this instance, you could obviously see through the expression in the voices that Ness was in visualize and the gangster was wavering and unsure what to do, and in the end was killed. This added to the suspense as the camera angles were close to them and the speech was loud as if we as the audience were there and witnessing it. In conclusion I would say that the cipher that contributed most to the suspense was the sound as it was the clearest calculate of all, and is the most blatant.For ex ample if there is music playing that is of a tense nature it is obvious something tense is going on and it adds to the tension. When the pram like music was playing it added to the realism, as there was a pram there. It also gave the audience a false sense of security, as it is slight happy carefree music in a sinister important ten minutes in Chicago. It also it eerily scary, as when the pram is stopped from crashing by stone the music starts up and there are lots of dead bodies and gunstock everywhere and a fierce foe between Ness and the gangster is about to start and the music starts to play.Camera angles added to the tension and suspense more then the lighting, though it was more subtle then the sound as only when you reflect on the scene in depth like I have done you visualize it has done anything, during the scene you dont even understand what the camera angles are doing. There is only a certain amount of suspense that you can create with a camera angle as just because you are looking at something in a certain way it doesnt mean something will happen.Lighting was the least important factor as the entire scene had to be quite lit as it is a well it area in a train station, and just because something is in rump doesnt mean it is hidden and secretive. Again it is a more subtle use of suspense and one that I think doesnt add to the suspense much if at all. loosely I would say that suspense was created very well using lighting, sound and camera angles. It could perhaps been improved by a greater use of lighting to display shadows and hidden areas, though it would have been gruelling to do so in a station.