
Wednesday, January 29, 2020

Crucible and McCarthyism Essay Example for Free

Crucible and McCarthyism Essay In American History there were two proceedings that were very similar, yet three hundred years apart. The Salem Witch Trials took place in 1692, the seventeenth century and McCarthyism took place in 1948 between 1956, the mid twentieth century. These two proceedings are known as two of the greatest mass tragedies in America. The Crucible is an allegory of McCarthyism or in other words the second Red Scare. During McCarthyism the United States was petrified of Communists influence. Many people in both the Crucible and McCarthyism who feared the court provided names of suspects in an attempt to save themselves. Throughout these two proceedings, there is the concept of mass hysteria. Mass hysteria is a form of group thinking in which several people have something in common and begin to think in the same way. The Crucible began as a way for the oppressed girls to avoid being punished. The girls then found this to be an ideal way to get revenge on anyone whom you disliked. People started accusing their neighbors of being witches so they could steal their farmland. Others, like Abby, accused others of being witches if they wanted to steal their husband or wives, or even possessions. The McCarthy hearings, as they were known as, were known to have dominated our country. These hearings, were of suspects being related to communism, were interviewed and forced to give up the names of others, or they were imprisoned, and their names were black listed. One similarity between McCarthyism and the Salem Witch Trials is that â€Å"everybody is doing it mentally.† The lives of the innocent people were ruined in both eras because of all the accusations and punishments. Both the people accused in the Salem Witch Trials and the people accused in The McCarthy hearings were found guilty with such little evidence. There were so many uninhabited accusations, with little to no proof. During the Crucible time period, those accused of being witches were sometimes sentenced to be tied to a rock and thrown in a pond, and if they sank, they were declared innocent, but if they somehow survived the dunking, then they were shown to be witches and then executed. Most of those found guilty of witchcraft were hung. In the Crucible, Giles Corey was pressed to death with r ocks, because he refused to plead guilty or innocent. Throughout the Crucible people’s names are destroyed even when they are completely innocent. In the book The Crucible by Arthur Miller, John Proctor states, â€Å"Because it is my name! Because I  cannot have another in my life! Because I lie and sign myself to lies! Because I am not worth the dust on the feet of them that hang! How may I live without my name? I have given you my soul; leave me my name†(Miller)!

Tuesday, January 21, 2020

A Separate Peace Essays -- essays papers

A Separate Peace3 A Separate Peace is a coming-of-age novel about two boys at boarding school and their friendship during World War II. There are three significant scenes of violence that occur in the novel; however, the core of the plot is based upon one. The first and most poignant is the incident where Gene, the narrator, jiggles the tree branch while he and Phineas, his best friend, are preparing to jump, causing Phineas to fall and break his leg. The next scene of violence is when Quackenbush calls Gene a lame and Gene pushes him into the water. Lastly, Gene pushes Leper out of his chair while visiting him after he is accused of causing Phineas’ injury. All of these occurrences contribute to the overall meaning of the work. One of the climaxes of A Separate Peace happens at the first scene of violence. Until this scene, the reader is unaware of Gene’s â€Å"evil side†. He is so overtaken by his jealousy and rage toward Phineas that he succumbs to his emotions and causes Finny to fall off of the tree branch. This shows the immature, childish side of the characters. Not only are they climbing trees, which is a behavior commonly practiced among children, but children also do not know how to handle feelings and emotions, and commonly react with violence. Gene then proceeds to dive off of the branch like nothing happened, apparently satisfied with his â€Å"achievement†; showing the reader that, like a child, there is little or no remorse for one’s actions. The...

Sunday, January 12, 2020

Social interactionism: an introduction, an interpretation, an integration Essay

A theory is a coherent group of general propositions that are tested, regarded as correct and can be used as principles (Thomas, 2012: p243). Through the study of sociology and other disciplines, different theories have been developed. These theories are developed with an aim of explaining different facts and events experienced by human beings. Some of the proved theories include interactions theory, labeling theory, structural functionalism theory, moral panic theory, conflict theory among others. Interactionism theory refers to the ways people approach questions relating to social cognition (Partington, 2009:p.91). It provides the basis of how one person understands the other. It focuses on environmental contexts and body behaviors rather than mental processes. It brings an argument against two different contemporary approaches that are the simulation theory and theory (TT). Social interactionism theory explains language development emphasizing on the role of social interaction between linguistically knowledgeable adults and a developing child (Leeman, 2008:p.37). It is largely based on socio-cultural theories invented by soviet psychologist. There are other theories closely linked with interactionism theory. Such theories include Labeling theory, Moral panic theory, structural functionalism theory, conflict theory among others. This paper critically explores and analyses interactionist theories of crime and deviance. It gives a critical assessment of the strengths and weaknesses of the theories. Labeling theory, moral panics, structural functioning and conflict theories are also analyzed. The whole report introduces different theories, how they are developed, merits and demerits, and how they are related to human living. Interactionism theory                Interactionists study the impacts that theories such as labeling have on people (Yang, 2007:p.1525). They are critical theories of right wing such as the right realism, new right, and functionalism. They claim that social control agents, such as police, are fair, unbiased and just. Though the study conducted by Cicourel shows how these agents like police hold typifications leading to prophecy of self fulfilling. Interactionism theory opposes theories of social structure held by theories of Right Wing. It has a belief that it gets free will instead of having a passive reaction to the society. It is believed that people stops interpreting a situation even before choosing which action to take. Sociologically, interactionism being a theoretical perspective derives social processes like cooperation, conflict, and identity formation from human interaction (Nisbett, 2012:p.109). It gives a study of how people act within the society. For the last half of the 21st century, interactionism theory has become the most sociological perspective dominant in the world. Its development has been facilitated by an advocate of subjectivity of social reality and pragmatism, George Herbert Mead. Later, Herbert Blumer reviewed Mead’s work and invented symbolic interactionism theory. Interactionism has been subdivided into phenomenology, social action, ethnomethodology, symbolic interactionism, and social constructionism (Manzon, 2007:p3). Interactions                Interactionism is micro-sociological in nature. It has a belief that any meaning is obtained through individual interactions. Social interaction refers to a face-to-face process comprising of reactions, actions, and mutual adaptation existing between individuals (Gallagher, 2010:p.441). The aim of social interaction is to facilitate communication between different people. Control is an important tool in the interaction process. During interaction, one must try to control the behavior of other people. This is important as it facilitates acquiring of information one is seeking and controls one’s own image. â€Å"Presentation of self† and â€Å"social role† is the most important concept in the field of interactionism. Interactionists are interested in understanding individuals and their actions within the society (Farral, 2012: p.392). They do not agree with class as an issue they reject the notion of generalizing that people from one social class thinks the same. They have a belief that every person has different values, attitudes, culture and beliefs. They reject structuralism methods preferred by structuralisms on statistical data. These rejected methods include; structured interviews, experiments, questionnaires, secondary sources and non-participant observation (Preacher, 2007:p.188). They criticize that; statistical data is ‘invalid’. They say that statistical data do not provide people with true societal picture on the topic under research. Secondly, they criticize that the research is not objective as it is biased. They argue that the research is biased because of the hypothesis of a pre-set conclusion (Rosenhan, 2009: p.213). They advocate for several methods to contrast structuralism methods such as, unstructured interviews, overt participant observation, and covert participant observation. They also give a historical analysis, personal and public documents through content analysis. Interactionists criticize that data provided are not reliable. This is because sociological research and information cannot be contrasted or compared. Despite their criticisms, interactionism methods are not flexible. Lack of hypotheses shows that a sociologist is not required giving an attempt of proving a theory or dogma; instead they work on what they discover. This results to unreliable information as the sociologist is not allowed to have any assumption concerning the society. Research has also shown that interactions such as socialization affects and alters human behavior (Pr eacher,2008:p.879). This theory links us to other theories such as Neo-Marxism and pluralism. Pluralism                It is a theory with an idea that public gets what they want. It has a notion that people’s lives offer choices such as representative democracy. Consumer choice is an idea that means each has the ability as a consumer to change any life aspect if he/she wishes to do so (Gala, 2008: p.273). According to pluralism theory, reflection of the values, norms, and beliefs of the majority exists. Interactionism theory exists in different forms that are social and symbolic interactionism. Symbolic interactionism                It emphasizes on the micro-processes by which people construct identities, meanings, and joint acts (Anderson, 2009:p.373). It accentuates how interaction, symbols, and human agency serve as the cornerstone of people’s social life. This theory is a sociological perspective with many influential areas of the discipline. It is mostly significant in social psychology and micro sociology. It is a product of two key theorists, Charles Horton Cooley and George Herbert Mead. Basic approach and premises                Symbolic interactionism has been used as a label in a distinctive relative approach to the study of human conduct and human life. It has made reality be seen as a social interaction developed with others. Symbolic Interactionists believe that physical reality exists through an individual’s social definitions (Aram, 2009:p.98). The theory has proved that people do not respond directly to the reality but rather to the understanding of social reality. Human beings therefore, exist in three a social reality, physical reality, and a unique reality (Becker, 2009:p.29). Physical reality comprises of natural facts and material necessities. Unique reality shows a person’s ability to view things in a new way, do something unique, or make a unique discovery. Lastly, social reality shows that a person has a socialized world conception such as economic structure and gender role. The theory has proved that both the society and individuals are two inseparable items. They are created through social interaction, and none can be understood in the absence of the other (Ritzer, 2010p.896). Central ideas behind symbolic interactionism                A person has to be understood as a social being. Constant search in the social interaction contributes to how human beings behave. Symbolic interactionism does not focus on the personality of a person or how society causes human behavior. Its focus is based on the activities taking place between actors (Charon, 2009: p.210). Individuals and society are both created through interaction. Social interaction serves as the central point of what a person does. A person has to be understood as a thinking being. Action of a human being is both an interaction among the individual and within the individual. Human ideas, attitudes or values are not as important as the constant active thinking process undergoing in a human being. The theory states that if a person wants to understand something, he or she must focus on thinking. A person does not sense his or her environment directly, but define his or her current situation. Even though the environment exists, what is important is how a person defines it. The definition does not happen randomly, but it is as a result of ongoing thinking and social interaction (Manzon, 2012: p.637). Human action is caused by the results of what is occurring in today’s life. It results from the present thinking, social interaction, definition, and present definition (Ferback, 2011: p.677). These present activities lead to actions and not the past experience. Experience enters primarily to the present actions as we think about it and use it to define the present situation. Human beings are known to be active as far as their environment is concerned. In symbolic interaction, a human being is not described using words such as conditioning, controlled, responding, formed, and imprisoned. Social-scientific perspectives describe human beings as active in what they do, but not passive to their surroundings (Athens, 2013: p.408). Central interactions principles Human agency                It is a principle that puts more emphasis on willful, active, goal seeking character of human actors (cousins, 2008:p.151). The emphasis of this principle focuses on the attention of those events, actions and social life moments. These agentic actions of a human agency are known to be palpable. Interactive determination                It is a principle that specifies understanding focal analysis of the objects (Partington, 2009: p.366). It specifies the analysis whether they are identities, self-concepts, practices, roles, or even social movement. This means that the society, individual, self, or others exist only when related to each other thus they are fully understood through their interaction. Symbolization                It highlights the processes by which conditions and events, people, artifacts and other environmental characteristics with certain meanings become objects of orientation. A person’s behavior is contingent partly on the meaning and symbolization of the object of orientation (Preacher, 2010:p.407). Emergence                Its focus is on the attention of the non habituated and procession side of life. It focuses not only the texture and organization of social life, but also the associated feelings and meaning (Rouger, 2009: p.261). It emphasizes on the possibility of new forms of system meaning and social life together with the existing transformations. Criticisms                Symbolic interactionism has always been criticized because of being over impressionistic in their methods of research. They have also been criticized for their theories being unsystematic. Critics argue that symbolic interactionism is not a single theory (Anderson, 2009: p.489). However, it operates as a framework of many theories. Some prominent theorists criticize the theory due to lack of testability which creates a problem when using the theory. These problems made the interactionism theory camp are relegated to a minority position in the field of sociologists. Frame work and theories                Some of its critiques are based on the fact that it is assumed to be a theory, but it does not have a good basis of a theory. Its framework is too general and broad that creates a problem when theorists are seeking a theory. According to Stryker (2003: p.123), symbolic interaction is not a theory but rather a theoretical framework. Social structure                It is a theory that is always connected and related to social structure. The study suggests that it is used in constructing social reality of people (Ritzer, 2010:p.837). There exist many factors and aspects that surround symbolic interactionism theory. These aspects include critical issues of sociology and methodological criticisms. Strengths of interactionism’ theory                Interactionist theory is mostly based on the work of George Herbert an American psychologist and a philosopher. It takes an assumption that people learn how to react and act to different circumstances concerning their societal interactions. It attributes cooperation, conflict and identity beliefs of how people perceive others around them. It is attributed to the following strengths/ advantages. For teachers                It suggests that learners within similar cultural settings view many ideas in the same way. Teachers apply this similarity as a benefit when planning for a lesson. Through the use of different ways of giving instruction instead of books, teachers are able to incorporate culture and society in the classrooms (Denzin, 2012:p.121). It helps students to retain the content as the materials used by the students are more appealing due to their similarities. Modeling                The theory indicates that learning happens with more ease if learners are subjected to constant demonstration of the content they are to learn (Kinney, 2010: p.896). These demonstrations are conflict resolution, speech and perceptions. It suggests that a learner in a class of foreign language has an advantage of learning materials if there is a consistent repetition of the language. Generational consistency                Learning through association takes place on cultural generations where younger members emulate their elders. This is a benefit of interactionism theory. It helps in maintaining dialects, cultural traditions and ways of life (Preacher, 2010:p.916). Using this theory, children are able to learn how to speak from their parents and grandparents. Ability to change                The theory bases the ability of people to learn from their surrounding and culture. The advantage behind this idea is that all people are responsible of their own abilities. The theory states that people acquire knowledge through observation (Newburn, 2010:p.310). It suggests that everyone who wishes to become intelligent, he or she should move to areas with more people who are academically minded and interact with them. Weakness of interactionism theory                This theory is based on the principles and assumptions of symbolic interactionism. These assumptions include the meaning obtained when people interact with others. People responds to things and to other people according to the meanings attached to them (Denzin, 2012: p.369). The problem of this theory is that it is unable to explain where people obtain the meaning of these symbols. Another weakness is that the theory emphasizes more on symbols that may be interpreted wrongly or differently. Labeling theory                It is a theory indicating how individual’s behavior and self-identity may be influenced or determined by the terms used to classify or describe them (Reeves, 2009: p.631). It is a theory associated with concepts of stereotyping and self-fulfilling prophecy. It emphasizes that deviance is not inherent to an act. Its focus is based on the way people label others from their standards of cultural norms. Some developments concerning the theory have been made since 1970s. Terms applied in this theory are related to disability, deviance or diagnosis of mental disorder has been rejected. This theory is closely related to symbolic-interaction and social-construction analysis. Mostly, this theory concerns itself, not with roles that are normal and defines people’s lives, but with special roles provided by the society for stigmatic roles, deviant roles, or social stigma (Bernburg, 2010:p.68). Social roles refer to set expectations people have about a certain behavior. They are necessary for the functioning of any organization or a society. Researchers found that roles that are deviant affect how people perceive the ones assigned those roles. They also have an impact of on how the deviant actor sees himself and how he is related to the society. Moral panics                This refers to an intense feeling that is expressed in a population concerning an issue appearing to threaten the normal social order (Critcher, 2009: p.17). Study shows that it occurs when episode, person, condition or group of people is defined as a threat to interests and societal values. In reality, they are the controversies involving social tension and arguments where disagreement becomes difficult as its center matter is a taboo. Moral panics are associated with several distinct characteristics. The first is a concern which states that awareness must be made indicating that the group’s behavior has negative effects to the society. Hostility This indicates that the hostility of the group in question increases resulting to a clear division. Consensus Though the concern in moral panics does not have to be widespread, a nationwide acceptance of the group in question is required as it gives a real threat to society. Volatility                They are highly volatile indicating that their chances of disappearing are very high. This is due to a wane in the news report or public interests changing to a different topic. Structural-functionalism theory                It refers to a framework used in constructing a theory that perceives society being a complex system combining work together to promote stability and solidarity (Danaldson, 2009: p.1). It is an approach that views society in a macro-level orientation. This gives a broad focus relating to social structures that shape the whole society believing that it evolved like organisms. It is an approach that examines both social functions and social structure. It addresses the role of society’s constituent elements as a whole which include customs, norms, traditions, and institutions. The theory was intended to give a description of a level in the social science methodological development, but not a specified school of thought. Its approach is a macro sociological analysis which focuses broadly on social structures shaping the whole society. Conflict theory                It is a sociological perspective that emphasizes on political, social, or material inequality of a given social group (Dutton, 2010: p.680).They draw attention relating to power differentials such as class conflict, and it is used to give a general contrast concerning dominant historical ideologies. It analyzes the society at the macro-level like structural functionalism. It is a set out theory for highlighting inherent ideological aspects that are inherent in traditional thought. Conclusively, different theories have given different causes of artifacts and events. Among the discussed theories in the essay, interactionism theory appears to be the most wide and broad form of theory. These theories have been viewed by different sociologists where some are recommended, and others criticized. Interactionism is the most criticized the theory as a result of its weaknesses in providing reliable information. This theory has also been attributed to some advantages that are beneficial to both the teacher and learners. Sustaining cultural norms and traditions has also been facilitated by development of theories. Theories should be made clear and precise to avoid creating confusions to the members of the society. References Thomas, M. (2011).The autonomy myth: a theory of dependency. New York: New Press. Partington, R. (2009). An introduction to interactionsm theory.Cullompton, Devon, UK: WillanPub. Leeman, K. (2010). Theory of knowledge. Boulder: Westview Press. Ritzer, G., & Nibset, J. (2010).Modern sociological theory (7th ed.). New York, NY: McGraw-Hill Higher Education. Manson, R. (2009). Social theory: continuity and confrontation : a reader. Peterborough, Ont.: Broadview Press. Gallagher, J. (2009). Social interactionism: an introduction, an interpretation, an integration. Englewood Cliffs, N.J.: Prentice-Hall. Farrall, M. L. (2012). Reading Assessment Linking Language, Literacy, and Cognition..Chichester: Wiley. Preacher, C. (2013). The social interactinism impacts of socialization on human beings, Surrey, England: Ashgate. Anderson, N. (2009). Blue-ribbon papers behind the professional mask : the autobiographies of leading symbolic interactionists. Bingley, U.K.: Emerald. Aram, E. (2009). Adaptation and innovation theory, design and role-taking in group relations conferences and their applications.. London: Karnac Ritzer, G., & Publications, i. (2009).Encyclopedia of social theory. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications. Athens, L., &Denzin, N. K. (2013).Radical Interactionism on the Rise. Bradford: Emerald Group Publishing Limited. Reynolds, L. T., & Kinney, N. J. (2010).Handbook of symbolic interactionism. Walnut Creek, CA: AltaMira Press. Reeves, E. (2009).introduction to labeling theory. Los Angeles: Sage. Critcher, W. F. (2009). Moral panics and the copyright wars. New York: Oxford University Press. Danaldson, D. (2009). Structural functionalism theory. . Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications. Dutton, D. (2010). Reading Assessment conflict theory, causes, and impacts..Chichester: Wiley. Source document

Saturday, January 4, 2020

Analysis of UCR Chamber Music Performance Free Essay Example, 500 words

ï » ¿A Review of UCR Chamber Music Performance The following is a review of the performance by Music Department of University of California Riverside on February 19, 2014 at Culver Center of the Arts. It featured musical compositions by Arcangelo Corelli, Antonio Vivaldi, Alec Wilder, Joaquin Turina and Ludwig van Beethoven. The first piece performed was Sonata in A Major for Strings, op post. The original composer was Arcangelo Corelli (1653-1713). The timber of the music was Grave, meaning that is sounds serious and is played slowly, and there were three movements- the first was Allegro, a faster variation; the second was Adagio, a slower version and the third was Allegro back again. Corelli mainly composed for the violin and his music is instantly recognizable for its lilting and lifting spirit in the background. The movement to Adagio in the middle of this performance was noticeable and distinct (Corelli, Sonata in A Major for Strings). The second performance was Motet for Soprano and Strings as composed originally by Antoni o Vivaldi (1678-1741). This composition in particular was created around the year 1720. Vivaldi was one of the most famous composers of Baroque music. We will write a custom essay sample on Analysis of UCR Chamber Music Performance or any topic specifically for you Only $17.96 $11.86/pageorder now Here the piece performed is in praise of Jesus Christ (Vivaldi, Motet). There were noticeable movements or shifts of tempo in this piece- from Allegro to Recitative to Largo to Allegro back again. The recitative piece was performed by Ms. Camelia Voin, a professional soprano who has both local and international fame. It had been translated from the original Italian to English in the program brochure, enabling the audience to enjoy and appreciate the words and spirit in which it was written, or rather meant to be enjoyed. In my opinion, Viorel Gheorghe did an excellent job of conducting this performance. He is founder of the Lyric Symphony Orchestra and an oboist as well. The movements were fluid and lucid, the sound of the instruments blending into each other, yet it was possible to identify the contribution of each instrument. It was enthralling and mesmerizing at the same time, causing the audience to be awed and humbled, and the applause that fol lowed the performance was evidence of their approval. What followed next was a refreshing change to air based instruments as Suite for Oboe and Horn was performed. We owe this creation to composer Alec Wilder (1907-1980), one of the modern contemporary musicians of the 20th century. Movements II, III and IV were performed, dating from 1975. Somber with a touch of jazz- this quite changed the mood of the audience to become more relaxed and less serious. The change in tone was discernable and so was the audience’s mood (Wilder, Suite). The next performance for the evening was the Quartet in A Minor for Piano and Strings, op 67 composed by Joaquin Turina (1882-1949) around 1931. Here we have a splendid example of how piano can accompany stringed instruments. Classical and contemporary all at once, this consists of three movements- Lento, Vivo and Andante. Lento is slow, Vivo is lively and Andante is a walking tempo. The music of Turina has an air of mystery about it, as if it is telling a story of its own. This is especially evident in the first and last movements. The piano plays an alternating role of leading and following the stringed instruments. In the second movement, sound of piano is uppermost and clearly in the lead role, yet in the last it is first the violin that dominates the beginning of the proceedings. Turina’s music is exciting and invites one to listen on- as if a story is unfolding. It is enjoyable and light of feeling, yet interesting. The connection between the three movements is evident and discernable but we keep returning to a common theme of sorts. It closes with the piano and violin taking centre stage (Turina, Quartet). The last piece for the evening was the Quintet for Piano and Winds in E Flat Major, Op. 16 by Ludwig van Beethoven (1770-1827) and was composed around 1797.It consists of three movements-Grave, Andante and Rondo. At first it is the violin that is most evident but the piano takes centre stage later on. It is ballroom music and carries Beethoven’s signature style with the undertones of piano most evident (Beethoven, Quintet for Piano and Winds). Yet for me, the music of Joaquin Turina was most appealing. . Works Cited Beethoven, Ludwig van. Quintet for Piano and Winds in E Flat Major, Op. 16 (1797). Print. Corelli, Arcangelo. Sonata in A Major for Strings, op post. (undated). Print. Turina, Joaquin. Quartet in A Minor for Piano and Strings, op 67.(1931). Print. Vivaldi, Antonio. Motet for Soprano and Strings (1720). Print. Wilder, Alec. Suite for Oboe and Horn (1975). Print.