The Symphonie Fantastique also titled Episode in the Life of an Artist, was a music by Hector Berlioz. This first harmony by Berlioz was one of the most original and fanciful work of the nineteenth century. Completed in February, 1830, the programmatic symphony described a romanticist tale of a young artist meeting a woman, his un-reciprocated recognise, and the eventual tragic sequences. The story was concocted from Berliozs own despair and love for Harriet Smithson, the English actress who first dazzled Berlioz by playing Orphelia in a Paris production of Shakespeares Hamlet.
On its first capital punishment on December 5, 1830, Berlioz handed out written programs of the symphony for the consultation prior to its performance, a practice unheard of before. Berliozs endeavor was to give the concert-goers an actual outline of the tale depicting by the music in the work. The concert was a great success. The audience even requested to have an encore of the March played.
This symphony was a first of its kind in every way.
The conception of a programmatic symphony had previously only briefly been stirred upon by Beethoven in his Pastoral 6th. In this work, Berlioz gave us a replete fancy of a tale that regard romance, a ball, a suicide, a behead, and a Witchs Sabbath! Each of these events were imaginatively depicted by musical ideas of their own kind. For instance, the March to the guillotine movement is ended by having plucked strings representing the skips of a chopped head! The following is a brief lease to the individual movements of this symphony. For each movement, Berliozs abbreviated notes are first listed and about comments about the movement follow.If you want to get a full essay, order it on our website:
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